Once you look at it from another angle, it looks like

It will be full of all kinds of defects
Makes some guys feel reasonable
Make other guys feel extremely unreasonable.
But it is not a great problem in front of all this Olga power.
Draw the line between [possible] and [impossible] through the model lake.
[Higher-order Plane-Dream Republic] Other Creations
It will combine all kinds of comprehensible and incomprehensible [beautiful imagination] and [beautiful reality] from various metaphysical angles.
Different [times], different [races], different [texts], different [individuals] … The lowest and truest ideas and ideas are derived from a standard line that integrates all the ideas of truth, goodness and beauty, and that symbolizes the common idea of all living things, and works out a network that is the closest to perfection.
Filter out all kinds of "beauty" and "ugliness"
So that those "beauty" and "truth, goodness and beauty" that are unrealistic by reason are gradually revealed and expanded.
So that the things judged as "ugly" and "false, ugly" are removed from the front row, which is born from the perspective that the root cause will confirm that the denied things are not allowed.
And all this
It is one of the basic elements of the "ideal dream country"
All kinds of necessary [settings] will not be less.
All possibilities have been exhausted and perfected.
can say
The number of life groups tortured by the disaster caused by Olga, who created suffering and slaughtered everything, is counted.
But it is precisely because of this.
The more vicious he is, the more he can understand what those good things are.
Devouring too many souls, reading and remembering him.
I clearly know every heartfelt desire that he killed.
It’s better than understanding the essence contained in it …
And now
In order to achieve his goal, he turned those ideas into reality …
Chapter 155 [Ideal Dream Country] (3)
What was the birth of [high-order plane]?
This place, named "Ideal Dream Country", was originally a huge plain.
As far as the eye can see, the margin will expand wildly into the huge plain.
There aren’t many plants in the noodles.
There is green grass.
The sky is blue.
It’s hard to understand the blue color when you look at it
In addition to a light emitting light and heat, the volume is limited, and each ray of light is constantly splitting, evolving and extending, constantly creating more [time] [territory] [primitive stars], and there are those white clouds that are constantly spreading around it.
after that
When it symbolizes the initial change of life and everything [flowing wind] has never been blown
[light spot]
Granular like a halo, the number of which can be counted [light spots]
Be swept from the face of that star
Before those [spots] touch the ground.
Heaven and earth are separated by a long distance
Life is already in the fetal movement.
after that
The light formed a cocoon.
Then, the cocoon and the flowing wind hatch.
So I don’t know how long it took.

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漫步在武汉的老街小巷,你会发现这里不仅有悠久的历史文化,还有让人垂涎欲滴的美食。其中,武汉茶馆里的特色甜品更是让人难以抗拒,茶香四溢的诱惑让人流连忘返。 走进一家有着百年历史的茶馆,映入眼帘的是一幅幅精美的字画,仿佛穿越到了古时候的文人雅士聚集地。这里,茶香与甜品相辅相成,共同演绎着一场视觉与味觉的盛宴。 首先,不得不提的是武汉的桂花糖藕。将藕切成薄片,裹上糯米,再放入锅中蒸煮。待藕熟透,取出备用。将糯米和藕片放入锅中,加入适量的糖和水,小火慢慢熬煮。待糯米吸收了糖水的精华,变得软糯可口。最后,撒上新鲜的桂花,浓郁的桂花香与藕的清香相互交融,令人陶醉。 再来说说武汉的特色甜品——豆皮。豆皮是用糯米、绿豆、黄豆等食材制成,外皮酥脆,内馅丰富。将糯米和豆子磨成浆,倒入平底锅中,摊成薄饼。待饼的一面煎至金黄,翻面继续煎至另一面金黄。此时,将豆皮切成小块,放入碗中,加入白糖、芝麻、红枣等配料,口感丰富,回味无穷。 武汉的茶馆里还有一款独具特色的甜品——桂花糕。将糯米粉、糖、桂花等食材搅拌均匀,倒入模具中,蒸至熟透。取出后,切成小块,摆放在盘中。桂花糕口感细腻,香甜可口,让人回味无穷。 除了这些经典的甜品,武汉茶馆里的其他特色甜品也不容错过。比如芝麻糊,将黑芝麻磨成粉,加入适量的糖和水,小火慢慢熬煮。待芝麻糊变得浓稠,即可食用。芝麻糊香浓细腻,口感独特,是武汉茶馆里的又一美味。 在武汉的茶馆里,你还可以品尝到各种茶水,如铁观音、龙井、普洱等。搭配着这些甜品,茶香四溢,让人仿佛置身于仙境之中。 总之,武汉茶馆里的特色甜品,不仅是一道道美食,更是一种文化的传承。在这里,你可以感受到武汉的历史底蕴,也可以品尝到地道的美食。茶香四溢的诱惑,让人不禁想要一探究竟,沉醉在这独特的美食文化之中。


《254》是一部引人深思的电影,通过讲述一段关于爱情、友情和成长的故事,让观众在欣赏的过程中思考人生的价值和意义。 影片的主人公是一位名叫小明的年轻人,他生活在一个平凡的家庭中,过着普通的生活。然而,在他25岁那年,他的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。他的女朋友小芳突然提出了分手,理由是小明不够成熟,无法给她幸福。小明的世界顿时陷入了黑暗,他开始怀疑自己的价值和人生的意义。 在失去爱情的同时,小明的好友小李也遭遇了人生的困境。小李是一家公司的员工,由于公司经营不善,他面临失业的危险。在生活的压力下,小李开始变得消极,甚至对人生失去了信心。然而,在关键时刻,小明并没有放弃小李,而是选择陪伴他度过这段艰难的时光。 在小明的鼓励和帮助下,小李逐渐走出了人生的低谷。他们一起参加各种活动,结识了新的朋友,也重新审视了自己的生活。在这个过程中,小明和小李都发生了巨大的变化。小明开始学会独立思考,勇敢面对生活的挑战;小李则重新找到了自己的价值,决心努力拼搏。 然而,就在他们以为一切都在向好的方向发展时,小明的母亲突然病重。为了照顾母亲,小明不得不暂时放下手中的工作。这段时间,小明深刻体会到了亲情的可贵,也意识到自己肩负的责任。他开始努力工作,希望能够为母亲和这个家带来更多的幸福。 在照顾母亲的过程中,小明逐渐明白了一个道理:人生的意义并不在于追求物质上的富足,而在于关爱他人,传递温暖。他开始珍惜身边的每一个人,努力成为更好的自己。 《254》这部电影通过讲述小明和小李的故事,展现了友情、爱情和亲情的力量。在人生的道路上,我们会遇到各种挫折和困难,但只要我们勇敢面对,珍惜身边的人,就一定能够战胜一切。 此外,电影还告诉我们,成长是一个不断学习、不断挑战自我的过程。在成长的道路上,我们会失去一些东西,也会收获一些东西。关键在于我们如何看待这些失去和收获,如何将它们转化为前进的动力。 总之,《254》这部电影以其深刻的内涵和感人的故事,引发了观众对人生、友情、爱情和亲情的思考。它告诉我们,在人生的道路上,我们要学会关爱他人,勇敢面对挑战,努力成为更好的自己。只有这样,我们才能在人生的舞台上演绎出属于自己的精彩篇章。