武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 桑拿夜网,约茶品茶工作室 Sue light hou martial arts XiaoZhu but seen XiaoZhu at the moment also dare not say that he is not his daughter, afraid to stimulate Sue light hou bring forth trouble.

Sue light hou martial arts XiaoZhu but seen XiaoZhu at the moment also dare not say that he is not his daughter, afraid to stimulate Sue light hou bring forth trouble.

Now it can be appeasement and cajoling.
Xiaozhu’s eyes were crowded and two lines of tears came at once.
She choked, "Are you really my father?"
Sue light hou nods "yes, yes, of course! You don’t believe me. "
Looking back, he said, "Ha ha". "This may or may not be, but it’s like …"
Sue light Hou Chao looked back and said, "Isn’t it? !”
Looking back, he said, "Yes!"
Sue light hou smiled with satisfaction.
Xiao Zhu looked at Su Qinghou’s eyes, full of surprises and warmth, and her heart welled up with unspeakable emotions. She didn’t have the heart to say it was not his daughter at the moment.
Xiao Zhu also gives birth to doubts.
So many people recognize her as "Brocade", and none of them are ordinary people who will not easily admit their mistakes, which means that she is a little different from "Brocade"
But she has her own parents and her own past. How can she be a "brocade child"?
Is there anything hidden in this?
But she can’t understand what’s hidden.
Her parents can solve it.
Xiao Zhu said to Su Qinghou, "Dad and daughter will be very happy to see you again, so you can accompany your daughter to Jianfu in the south. There are some things that her daughter needs to know clearly."
Su Qinghou raised his hand and stroked his daughter lovingly. "Don’t worry, dad will follow you wherever you go, so that no one will hurt you. Your dad is willing to give up his life."
Xiao Zhu was "touched" by Su Qinghou’s words, and his whole heart was melted.
She really wishes she were his daughter at the moment.
Xiaozhu heart a hot tears flow again.
The tears are from the heart.
Looking back, he came back and said, "Are you two just holding on or going on? Where should we go?"
Su Qinghou said, "I will go wherever my daughter goes."
Looking back, he said, "I’ll go wherever you go."
Xiaozhu wiped a tear. She smiled and her eyes were like a crescent moon.
Xiao Zhu said, "Then let’s go!"
So the three of them continued their journey with joy and excitement.
Su Qinghou recognized his daughter’s trip. He really loves Xiaozhu and looks forward to returning. Although he has lost too many memories and his brain is confused, he is also a little crazy about Xiaozhu when he sees this situation.
Because the monkey is his best brother and Xiao Zhu is the monkey’s daughter, which is just like his daughter.
Looking back, I also took care of Xiaozhu in every way.
Although Xiao Zhu is protected by these two masters, it is not peaceful all the way.
That’s the magic way. Those people tracked Lin Yi and Xiao Zhu after receiving Qin Dingfang’s magic order.
Although these magic people play for Qin Dingfang, they are all fighting on their own, and some demons have never met each other.
Not everyone knows that all Su Qinghou and Wang Wang’s martial arts are terrible.
Some people find out that Xiao Zhu is not with the king of the south, and she has an old man who is crazy and a teacher. These magic people are ecstatic.
They are afraid that the king of the South is not afraid of a bad old man and a teacher.
The demon Lord promised to kill the king of the southern border, give up the throne and reward two treasures. It was a great temptation for them to catch Xiao Zhu and reward one treasure.
Xiao Zhu was ambushed three times by the magic way.
But the result is that those people are going crazy.
There are more than 400 people in these four ambush magic ways.
As a result, 200 people were interrupted by Su Qinghou and Wang Wang’s return, and 100 people were scared to flee by ordering acupuncture points.
There are two martial arts experts around Xiao Zhu. It is reported that they are in the magic road.
All kinds of failure news continue to give the devil Qin Dingfang.
Qin Dingfang also learned that Lin Yi and Xiao Zhu had split up.
This makes Qin Dingfang also very happy.

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