Many monks have gone to see the elegant demeanour.

When the mixed yuan clan arrived in Ye Tiancheng, it caused a great sensation. Not only did all the monks of Qianhemen flock to it.
It is said in the fix true world that Ye Tiancheng has just stepped into the territory of Yuan Ying, and now it is the early stage of Yuan Ying, but its fighting power is strong and it can be the first true gentleman!
This brand is too big!
Yuan Ying was named the first true gentleman in the early days, which can be called the grand past and the bright present.
Of course, when this title was just born, there were naturally many challenges that Yuan Ying was arrogant, and they were all killed by Ye Tiancheng one by one!
After that, the opposition faded away.
On the day Ye Tiancheng arrived, even Nangong Ling couldn’t help running out and took a look.
Su Mo still stays at home and reposes. It seems that he is not interested in these so-called tianjiao strong people.
Three Zhongzhou temples in prajna temple, a Buddhist temple in the middle suspension, have also arrived at Qianhemen.
It’s a long way to go to the south of the burning lamp temple, but I didn’t attend it
There are dozens of people in Zhongzhoumen, almost all of them have come.
Peach Blossom Peak Overlord Huangshan Five Elements Religion Tianhai Shintoism Sun Moon Living in Flying Star Gate Tianluo Dock Belonging to One Pavilion Xuanshuang Gate Shuangjianzong Da Yi Xue Palace Mark View Qiyao Hall of Biyun Temple in Xuanyangzhai …
On this day, the Thousand Crane Tea Party officially opened!
Many religious sects and monks set off in succession, and Brother Qianhemen led them to Tongxuan Courtyard, which is the courtyard of Tongxuan Tea Tree Institute.
Road flyover Lu Yuding explained, "I heard that there were 527 cups of Tongxuan tea and five cups of extremely Tongxuan tea."
When you get closer, you can clearly see that there are five green and glittering tea leaves growing at the top of Tongxuan tea tree.
Each piece of tea can make a cup of extremely mysterious tea.
"This thousand cranes tea party is mainly divided into two parts."
Taoist Yuding went on to say, "The first part is the contest among the four paths of the side door, namely, the battle between array and symbol and the battle between alchemy and refining!"
Many monks in Bailianmen have a careful heart.
Zongmen’s honor and disgrace is the first part of the refining device dispute!
Road flyover Yuding said, "Not surprisingly, this refining contest should be the last of four contests. Sister Liu, please try to relax and give full play."
"I will try my best!"
Willow smoke-laden nodded his head.
Taoist Yuding added, "The first part is to take care of each of our four side doors and decide that the winner can drink a cup of extremely mysterious tea."
"This is earned!"
Ruxuan clapped her hands and said, "Sister Hanyan, if you win, you can still drink a cup of extremely mysterious tea!"
Willow smoke-laden is smiled a didn’t speak.
She knows in her heart that the chance of winning this refining device for her is probably less than thirty percent!
The best case is that the two sides are tied!
Chapter nine hundred and thirty-two Ye Tiancheng
Taoist Yuding said, "One cup of extremely mysterious tea left is the second part."
"This last cup of extremely mysterious tea is extremely heavy, and only the first true gentleman in Zhongzhou is qualified to drink it!"
Nangong Ling sighed with emotion, "I don’t know whether Ye Tiancheng or Pang Lanzhen feels that there are two visions at the top of the list to qualify for this fifth cup of extremely mysterious tea."
"I bet Ye Tiancheng!"
Ruxuan said something and then turned to ask, "What do you say, little granduncle?"
Su Mo said simply, "I bet both of them can’t drink."
"Ah what?" Such as Xuan eye dew curious asked
Su Mo smiled and said casually, "Because I won’t let you."
"Little granduncle, you brag again!"
When I heard this sentence, Ruxuan followed Xi Xi with a smile and didn’t rest assured.
At this time, the hundred refined doors and all the monks have entered the courtyard with thousands of cranes.
As soon as I stepped into the courtyard of Tong Xuan, everyone felt that the original noisy courtyard was quiet in an instant.
Most of the clan forces in the courtyard have been in their respective positions.
Yuan Ying’s Tianjiao gathered at one glance and looked very spectacular.
This is a rare event to fix the truth after the vision list!
At this time, when the hundred smelting doors entered the Tongxuan courtyard, the eyes were stung and irritable.
"Here comes the Bailianmen!"
"I heard that a malicious character from Bailianmen lost several days in a row, which has angered many clan forces."
"What’s wrong with a malicious role? Which one is not a malicious role?"
"Hehe, Bailianmen is already dying, and the horse will be removed from the four major side doors!"
The situation of Bailianmen is already stormy, and it has just appeared at the forefront!
Qianhe Tea Party once in a thousand years.
Most monks of Bailianmen have never experienced such a scene. Jiazongmen is in a worrying situation, and many monks are a little embarrassed.
Even the nangongshan ling three people are nervous.

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