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Then Wu Ming gave up this idea and rushed into it. If you don’t come back, you will lose more than you gain.

After careful searching, I found a tiny hole as small as mustard. Is this the passage to the world of quantity?
Then I pulled a few hairs and turned into an avatar. One of them was thrown, and a violent force came in. Several members were crushed.
Fortunately, it’s the scene behind the known area. I don’t know for the time being. If you want to pass it completely, I’m afraid you have to make it into a king kong.
After this conclusion, Wu Ming decisively gave up a few smoke screens here before leaving, maybe in the future
And this time, the three men moved the handle of the nether world, causing many places to be broken. I’m afraid some evil spirits and ghosts have escaped from hell, so they still need to ask the hell for a list to pay off.
The strength of Tubo is still far away. If you change places, Wu Ming finds it difficult to hold on for several rounds.
He is not very depressed about this. Even these ancient gods are ordinary immortals, and they have to be rubbed according to the ground. On the practice theory, everyone seems to be immortals, but just like ordinary people who learn to bully, the gap between them is really desperate.
Now that he is short of one of the three flowers, he will be able to complete his chest, and he will also be angry. The future has not been condensed. It is a smooth road and he needs to step forward to catch up with the future.
In a moment, the ghost soldiers were ordered to go out to catch the evil spirits fleeing from hell when they were driven out of the ghost country of feng du.
It is said that in Chang ‘an, the Tang King came back from the dead, and the story spread widely, and the heavenly monks were widely called to come to the land and water conference to escape the undead.
At that time, all the monks came to Chang ‘an.
For the time being, Xuanzang, a practitioner of Hongfu Temple, also came to the meeting.
At that time, Xiao Yu, the Prime Minister, and Zhang Daoyuan and Zhang Shiheng both respected the three religions and could not be destroyed.
The king of the Tang Dynasty elected a Taoist priest with great virtue to build the Dojo.
Several courtiers gathered together monks, and the mountain and river altar was very dazzling.
Even so, Wei Zhi and others choose one of the most brilliant monks to tell you that he is human?
Well-informed and taboo, golden cicada listens to Buddha.
Turn to the dust and grind to be born, and the secular will be caught.
Out of life, I fell into the river and swam with the waves.
The ancient Buddha’s name in small print is Chen Xuanzang.
After some investigation, it was revealed to the Tang king that he was not happy. It turned out to be one of his own.
Even if Chen Xuanzang was given the positions of Left Monk, Right Monk and Tianda Chandu Monk, he would worship the monks and go to Huasheng Temple to choose a good day to give lectures.
Master Xuanzang was ordered to select 1,200 eminent monks to be divided into three classes, and it was scheduled to open the 7749-day land and water conference on the auspicious day of the third day of September.
When the king of Tang heard that everything was in order, he couldn’t help but rejoice and immediately thought of the god who saved his life when it was cloudy, and immediately ordered craftsmen to build shrines for sacrifice.
Wu Ming, a ghost country far away from home, has no time to care because an uninvited guest came today.
A pair of nine corners pierced the sky, and several ghosts wailed, and Tubo’s huge head emerged from the deep swamp, and three eyes stared at the real king’s palace, and several ghosts trembled even more.
In the metempsychosis pool, Fahai couldn’t help getting up and shaking his mind.
What a grievance!
His eyes were fixed on Tubo’s nine-curved angle conduits.
"Uncle, why don’t you stay here in the middle of nowhere?"
Wu Minghua’s nine-secluded true king looks like a real king, but it seems like a thunderous ghost country shaking.
Tu Bo spat out an ancient oracle: "This place is also a secluded place, but it surprised me that you borrowed that kid’s ghost law."
Listening to his words seems to be to enjoy Wu Ming, but I dare not relax. I have long been holding two cylinders of Yin and Yang and releasing two gases at any time.
"The small skill of carving insects made Tubo laugh."
"I need you to do me a favor"
Then Tubo suddenly said
Wu Ming was a little surprised that he, Tubo, was so sacred that he should be arrogant. Why didn’t he think of letting himself help him?
"What busy?"
"I want to see someone."
Chapter 292 Xuanzang’s first difficulty in going west to Lingshan
"Uncle, are you going to break the agreement?"
Wu Ming’s solemn face says that the guardian contract is sacred. If he breaks the contract, he will lose the handle forever.
And how tricky is it to let Tubo do things at such a great loss?
However, I listened to Tubo sneering and laughing, "Will I violate my agreement? If you take me out with one eye, I can take this opportunity to see the vicissitudes of people. This is not a violation of my agreement."
If so, why should I help this fellow?
"If you promise me, you can borrow my eye to understand the avatar."
"Well, I’ll agree."
Wu Ming has long been greedy for Tubo’s divine eye. When he was fighting in the depths of the nether world, he had seen the powerful Bodhisattva, and he did not dare to protect the Buddha’s light and fight hard. He was the second god, and the divine eye was also a remnant and how powerful it was according to Tubo.
"Then make a contract."
Wu Ming promised to take Tubo God to see people’s mountains and rivers, but it was up to him to decide when. Tubo couldn’t move his mind to murder him in this period, and Tubo also promised to do everything. He also made an exception, that is, he allowed Wu Ming to understand as much as he observed.
Two people make a contract
When you see Tubo’s face, you will immediately take the eyebrows and eyes and throw them into the Wu Ming Temple.
Then Tubo’s body slowly sank into the secluded capital.
Wu Ming picked up the god’s eyes and watched it carefully, which proved to be mysterious.
Only to see the god’s eyes snapped shut, and he didn’t intend to put them in his sleeve.
Tubo left the ghost country and then returned to normal.
Wu Ming appeased the frightened ghosts again, and took the bear to Chang ‘an.
When calculating, Xuanzang should set foot on the westbound road.
Earlier, Guanyin Bodhisattva and her brother Mu Cha sold cassocks and xizhang in the strip and finally gave them to Xuanzang.
Today, however, it is the land and water orthodox church, following the July 7th Bodhisattva, but it needs the final test and arrangement.
Wu Ming, a bear in the mixed crowd, looked around at Wu Ming with his robe, so he took out the eyes of Tubo and let him watch the conference on his own.
"Hey? That old bald donkey over there seems unusual. "
Boyin unearthed from the eyes of God.
Wu Mingshun looks like a monk with bare feet and bald head. He can’t recognize the true body of the bodhisattva, but with this honor, there is the Guanyin Bodhisattva.
The bodhisattva seemed to feel something, too, and turned to look around, frowning slightly, but didn’t care about him.
After listening to Master Xuanzang recite the Sutra of Life and Death for a while and talk about Anbang Tianbao seal script, the Bodhisattva ran to the front of the stage and shouted, "Monk, how can you talk about Hinayana Buddhism and know Mahayana?"
Xuanzang immediately jumped to the platform and said, "My brother is stupid and has never heard of Mahayana Buddhism. Please ask him to point out Mahayana Buddhism?"
The Bodhisattva immediately uttered a few words of Mahayana, which made the mage happy.
This alarmed the Tang King to send someone to ask him about Mahayana Buddhism.
"Great Western Heaven and Tianzhu Thunderclap Temple, where I am Buddha"
Immediately, he flew to the high platform and stepped on Xiangyun to reveal the true salvation method. Next to him, Mu Cha Huyou immediately burned incense and bowed down to a group of monks, saying, "What a good bodhisattva!"
One of the figures did not bow down, but bowed slightly to show respect. The bear was more than three feet tall but not conspicuous.
After the Bodhisattva’s revelation, Xuanzang convinced all the courtiers that what he had said was true. Only then did he lead Mu Cha to step on the clouds and throw a note.
Courtesy Tang Jun has a wonderful journey in the west, and it takes thousands of miles to enter the hospitality. After returning to China, you can go beyond ghosts. If you are willing to go, you will seek positive results and golden bodies.
The king of Tang asked who would like to go to learn from the scriptures.
Aside from Xuanzang, he was the first to flash that "I am not willing to work hard to get the true scriptures and pray for the eternal protection of my Wang Jiangshan."
Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was pleased to worship his brother directly, and called him a holy monk.

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