"Gung (no)! ! !”

"Go to exercise, go to your happy future sprint! I want you to train hard according to my plan for one month. After one month, the joint entrance examination of the three schools is the time when you surprise everyone. "
"gung! ! !”
Tam’s eyes are shining, and the steam is constantly spewing out from his nostrils. Obviously, Liu Yuan has painted the pie completely.
Do I have to work quietly and surprise everyone …
Tam’s enthusiasm was immediately mobilized by Liu Yuan after some poisonous chicken soup.
Without the supervision of Lu Yuan, Tam played hard and started training.
Looking at the corners of the mouth that have been "set" Tam Luyuan slightly raised.
I don’t have a successful master course. Your master, I’m sure I’ll arrange you in vain.
See tam has not worried about Liu yuan can’t help but focus on the light mouse next to him.
Compared with Tam’s "hair training plan" and "navy six-style training plan", it is more difficult to suspect.
For the personality salted fish light mouse, it is most afraid of hard work.
But Liu Yuan also thought it over, such as "routines" … No, such as encouraging him.
So Lu Yuan walked beside the light mouse.
"Little light, how is the sun?"
Listening to Liu Yuan’s gentle tone, the light mouse shuddered.
It took one look not far away and trained Tam hard because of Lu Yuan’s words. Tam couldn’t help hiding quietly.
It’s afraid that if it gets too close, it will be polluted by Tam’s’ struggle light’.
The light mouse looked up at Lu Yuan in disbelief. "Squeak (is there something wrong with the master?" "
"Nothing, nothing is that I want to buy some furniture for pet animals recently and I want you to help me see what to buy."
Liu yuan squatted down and began to stroll around’ pet beast Taobao’ in front of the light mouse.
Don’t tell me there are quite a few of these things.
What’s a luxurious pet massage chair, a super-exclusive pet mattress, and a portable pet drink dispenser?
When the original salted fish light mouse saw these furniture, its eyes immediately brightened.
This, this is what treasures!
For those who like to fish and light mice, these furniture are simply perfect fishing artifacts
Seeing the light mouse hook Lu Yuan immediately, he was depressed and said, "Hey, come here, your master, I want to buy some for you."
"But as you know, your master, I’m a student, and I don’t have much money, but my teacher told me that if I can get good grades in the joint exam one month later, she will reward me with 200 thousand union coins so that I can have money to improve your life."
"But it seems a little difficult. After all, one of the entrance exams in a month is 2V2 pet-beast competition, but you just joined. It seems not easy to get good grades. I’d better go back and refuse my teacher …"
Said Liu Yuan to get up and leave.
The light mouse grabbed Lu Yuan’s skirt and told him not to leave yet.
"You mean you’ll practice hard and get good grades in the joint exam one month later?"
"squeak (yes, yes)!"
"But you just joined. Will this be too strict for you, or I’ll still …"
"Squeak (no, no)!"
"Well … well, look at this training plan. I want to let you rest for a month first, but you are so sincere in asking me, master. I can’t throw cold water on it."
The light mouse got its own training plan and looked at the face-to-face body training body. The salted fish will start to stir again.
Has it been set by its owner?
Seeing the light mouse seems a little scared by the training plan. Liu Yuan directly gives a killer weapon.
"My pet animals are working so hard. How can I treat you badly as a master? I’ll put these pet animal furniture in the shopping cart first and I’ll buy it when I have money."
Seeing Liu Yuan put those’ fishing artifacts’ in the shopping cart, the light mouse immediately became excited.
Master will lie to me? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!
As a result, Lu Yuan’s two pet animals, emotional and sensible, began to burst into 120 percent passion for hard training.
Seeing this scene, Lu Yuan was very pleased … He took out his mobile phone and began to brush short videos to watch Miss Sister.
Sure enough, there are owners like pets. Owners are so diligent, and pets will certainly not be lazy. It’s not …
Chapter 39 Tactical Assumption, Thousand Hands
In the training base, Lu Yuan is recording the process of Tam’s "hair control" training with notes.
Tam had already had the experience of fighting with his hair in the secret land before the reality.
But at that time, Tam rudely instilled spiritual power into all hair to make it hard and then protect himself.
However, this method belongs to the lowest level, and it is no different from instilling spiritual power into limbs and body.
And this trick is Jiraiya’s forbearance and needle hiding.
However, Jiraiya’s "needle hiding" in Lu Yuan’s design is really a high-growth skill as "spiral pill"

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