武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 品茶论坛 Sun Hao quickly digested the memory of Lisha in Mengla without moving his color.

Sun Hao quickly digested the memory of Lisha in Mengla without moving his color.

The high priest nodded slightly and waved a hand to throw out a crystal coffin, and put Sun Hao’s illusory new body in the shell source and finally merged.
This is a very strange crystal coffin that seems to absorb everything. When Sun Hao came in, he found that he had completely lost contact with the outside world, and even his heart had lost his perception of the outside world.
Sighing at the magical world of a black hole, Sun Hao didn’t think much of wholeheartedly accepting the memory of Mengla Risha and understanding this new world.
A moment later, Sun Hao’s face was stunned and surprised. Sun Hao found that the black hole world is very different from the outside world, and it seems that the black hole world’s cognition of the whole virtual world is even completely different from the outside, or that the world view of the whole virtual world is completely different from that of his brother.
In the past, Sun Hao has always wondered how those massive undead monks in the undead domain came and how they cycled.
Now Sun Hao has found the answer that makes him feel ridiculous. No, those bones in the death domain, those ghosts and good guys are the result of the black hole world uniting with successful monks and soaring away.
For the black hole world, it is a lifelong pursuit to build a solid body and fly out of this illusory world of death.
In Mengla Risha’s memory, every monk’s black hole world will have a strong specific fighting capacity, and it will be bound and soar for the first time if it reaches a certain height …
Moreover, all kinds of laws and rules in this strange world are also very different from those in the normal imaginary world. For example, when there is no sun in this place, what they have is a fire sacrifice, which is equivalent to a year in the imaginary world.
And each fire sacrifice is divided into more complicated and somewhat similar to the virtual world.
For example, the power body is also very different here.
The most mainstream way of practicing in the virtual world is to refine qi and assist others in practicing.
But is there gas refining here? The monk’s main practice here is power, physical attack power.
Evaluating the monk’s fighting capacity level is also the strength to locate. Sun Hao can’t help but laugh and cry when he sees this positioning method.
The discomfort caused by different physical fitness makes Sun Hao, a well-informed and powerful monk, feel incredible.
The power body in the black hole world is like a joke.
Before becoming a physical force, all monks’ strength is called virtual force, which has five realms: small virtual force, big virtual force, strong virtual force, virtual force against the enemy and virtual force breaking.
Enter the strength stage after breaking the virtual force.
The black hole world of strength is a symbol of combat effectiveness, and Sun Hao can’t help but think of his time as a lower monk after seeing this criterion.
In the black hole world, the first stage of strength is the ultimate strength. Actually, Sun Hao found that this strength is extremely weak, similar to various small animal forces such as rabbits and squirrels.
In the second stage of strength, the enemy’s physical strength is actually the strength of a skeleton.
After the third, the fourth and the first to the fifth stages, it is equivalent to the power of Darth Vader, the power of Black Luo Tian; It is equivalent to the power of the death knight. The horror day vigorously practices to the black hole world. The black hole world can’t stand the powerful extreme enemy dragon force.
Seeing this kind of strength, Sun Hao really doesn’t know what to say.
I remember that when Sun Hao was on Soul Island, he had just built a foundation level and cultivated a real dragon power, and he also cultivated many dragon powers.
Isn’t it a natural enemy to get the black hole world?
In the sense, the power body of the black hole world is really strange and even more wonderful. The so-called soaring in this world should be to break through the normal imaginary world, and if Sun Hao expects it, the monks here will become those immortal monks in the undead domain after soaring.
Skeletons, ghosts … should be soaring from the black hole world.
Realizing this fact, Sun Hao doesn’t know what to say. The so-called death realm in the black hole world feels like a special pit.
After continuing to digest the memory of Mengla Risha for a long time, Sun Hao had another inexplicable emotion in his heart, and at the same time he had some more conjectures about the reincarnation of monks.
Sun Hao came to a conclusion that he felt a little uneasy according to his knowledge of Mengla Risha, his understanding of practice and his experience in this practice.
Those soul fires in the soul source bubbles of black holes, which seem to be very pure without memory and imprint, are probably actually the souls of a large number of monks after their death, which are absorbed by black holes and then re-ignited to generate flames.
According to the practice of Mengla Risha, it is understood that after the death of monks and mortals, the soul will turn into empty gas and fly to the limit. In this process, it will not be observed as if it were nothing, but the realm of death can capture the soul gas and absorb them.
In this way, in the process of intake, most souls can’t resist the great oppression and collapse into soul particles without any imprint, and a few souls are strong enough to light the soul fire.
Every once in a while, a black hole will be like spouting some soul fires at the other end of itself, and those soul fires will undergo a break-up and reorganization to achieve reincarnation.
After getting this theory and Sun Hao’s own experience, Sun Hao feels as if he has realized some real core reincarnation mysteries in the virtual world, and Sun Hao has another guess.
Could the other end of the black hole be connected to a white hole?
As far as Sun Hao knows, many strange phenomena in the white hole are just the opposite of the black hole, and all kinds of resources are often ejected from the witch white hole, which may be the result of things not swallowing the black hole.
With these conjectures and cognition, Sun Hao gradually felt at ease to follow his own analysis, so there are at least two ways and two ways for him to go out of this world in the future.
One is to build the ultimate strength, break the bondage of black holes and fly away from here. If Sun Hao guesses correctly, nine times out of ten, he will fly to the undead domain or the virtual world where he is similar to the undead domain and get out of trouble.
Another way is to simply go through the other end of the black hole and return to the virtual world through the white hole.
Either way, you can go out, but Sun Hao thinks that the first one may be more reliable. If you go by your own strength, there will definitely be places where monks are there.
I don’t know what will happen if I go through the white hole.
If there is a dark area where you can’t feel lifeless, won’t you get lost in the stars and find your way home?
The black hole world perceives the form of the black hole world, which makes Sun Hao have a lot of thoughts, especially on the imaginary and real thinking, which makes Sun Hao have a different general cognition.
More importantly, Sun Hao had some different general ideas about his post-soaring for the first time.
The monks in the black hole world rose to the limit and went away. Their understanding was that they rose to the magical and incredible celestial world.
Well, Sun Hao now knows that they have soared to the virtual world, and they calculate themselves.
Chapter DiEr729 Psychic surgery

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