武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 品茶论坛 This decision was made by Su Yonglin as the emperor, and his status as emperor ended the emperor’s efforts to resist others.

This decision was made by Su Yonglin as the emperor, and his status as emperor ended the emperor’s efforts to resist others.

After everything was decided, Su Yonglin publicly demonstrated his determination to carry out thorough political reform to the court and society.
This move made everyone in the hall realize that Su Yonglin was really playing, not punching.
His true status as emperor separated the emperor, ended the era of monopolization and arbitrariness, and made the country really begin to move towards the era of physical leadership
After the official promulgation of this decision, although Su Yonglin still has the title of emperor, everyone knows that it is not far from him to completely depose this title.
The day when the central representative meeting and the people’s representative meeting were officially held is estimated to be when Su Yonglin ended the monarchy in a fair manner.
The name "Emperor" and the formal termination of the decision-making mode of the central representative meeting and the people’s representative meeting have since become a historical term.
For this situation, the members of the decision-making group are inexplicably excited, but they don’t know whether they should show that kind of heartfelt joy in front of Su Yonglin.
Because their strength comes from Su Yonglin’s initiative to surrender to the emperor.
It is Su Yonglin’s initiative to compromise that makes them have this important decision-making power, and makes them truly become the country’s helm rather than the obedient ones.
Su Yonglin changed his "life" by himself, and really gave the organization the split of Gao Huang.
He really began to give up exercising the imperial power and make decisions according to his own views on managing the army and the Ministry of Industry.
In administration, justice, finance and other aspects, Su Yonglin also began to fulfill his previous commitments and gradually handed over the decision-making power to the members of the decision-making group, but he did not express any views to hold the veto.
Although Su Yonglin, who holds this column of power, is still the supreme leader of great controversy, at this moment he has actually ended his status as emperor.
He is no longer dogmatic.
In front of Su Yonglin, they don’t know what expression to express. At this time, they are happier, sadder and hesitant than complex emotions. They all feel that Su Yonglin’s determination and public interest are tarnished.
Since ancient times, there have never been such big public and private people. They used to think that big public and private people are myths, but now they see living examples.
They can watch Su Yonglin sit in his own position and look down at the documents, but it seems that he didn’t realize that not long ago he was an emperor who decided life and death.
They looked at Su Yonglin as if he were overlooking the rising sun from the horizon.
The members of the temporary decision-making group didn’t say anything, and they didn’t know what to say. A thousand words were hidden in their hearts, and they could show it. They also stayed up all night and worked hard to deal with things without any selfishness.
Judged and summoned by those who are qualified at the Central Conference.
Select and determine the call in the direction of the people’s representatives
The organization department of Fuxing Association and the official department of the imperial court merged to arrange new positions.
The merger and job arrangement between the Fuxing Army Department and the Imperial Staff Headquarters.
These things involve not only the imperial court in Zhongdu, but also everyone in the country.
There can be no problems at all.
Chapter 1525 Xunzheng era
At present, the new system has just been established, and there are many things to be done by a nine-member team, and Su Yonglin has many things to do.
For example, according to the final decision of the temporary nine-member group, the qualified persons of the Central Committee will be judged mainly from two aspects: political achievements and military achievements, that is, those who have shown outstanding talents and made political and military contributions to the naked eye.
Military contributions are very famous.
Many corrupt officials are arrested, and they are ruthless and private.
Local officials who lead the people to build their homes and sleep at night
Doing mass work and making dazzling achievements will revive cadres.
These outstanding talents who have a certain experience in politics and military service, have a certain level, have a certain quality, are capable in all aspects and are widely recognized. They will be selected to participate in the central meeting to discuss national affairs and make final decisions.
And the people’s representatives judge that more things need to be done.
There is a high requirement for judging the qualifications of the candidates for the central meeting. There will not be many successful candidates in the main middle-ranking officials and cadres, and the number will be well controlled.
But the coverage of people’s representatives is too wide.
Farmers, industrial workers, grass-roots soldiers, etc. are very broad in scope, and it is also very difficult to select representatives, which takes a long time to prepare and implement.
Don’t think about the election for the time being. It takes a long time and energy to hold a large-scale election, and it also needs extensive publicity and training. In the future, we can steadily push forward the current action of establishing institutional goals or pay attention to efficiency
The current era is a pre-democratic era, referred to as "the era of political training"
So Su Yonglin took a nine-member decision-making team to make a profound and detailed study on this issue and discussed a series of details in depth.
Some issues that can’t be decided or are highly controversial need to be discussed by various departments.
For example, in terms of industrial workers, Su Yonglin, a representative of industrial workers, should be selected, and the person in charge of each workshop and Xiao Cui, a factory worker, should be consulted on the spot to understand the actual situation of the workers.
Then the decision-making group decided to judge whether a person is qualified as a worker’s representative according to the number of times that the workers’ workshop has won public recognition honors and the number of times that the workers’ workshop has been commended.
These are hard conditions, and there must be no compromise.
In addition to these hard conditions, there are also soft conditions, such as sending people to visit the people around the candidates and judging that if the candidates’ personal morality is not good, they cannot become workers’ representatives.
Industrial skills, labor enthusiasm and personal morality must be passed before they can be selected as representatives of industrial workers.
After confirming the representatives of the workers in the industry, they will be issued with vouchers, and then when the representative meeting is held, the local government will make unified arrangements to go to Zhongdu by bus, official road or water to attend the meeting.
Should be borne by the court finance.
Industrial workers here are still simple, including military soldiers. Because of the limited number of people and the fixed site, it is easy to select outstanding representative groups.
Farmers are the whole foundation, and the number of employees exceeds 90% of the whole population, which is the first occupation from ancient times to modern times. No occupation can compete with this occupation in terms of the number of employees.
Moreover, the number of farmers is so large that it is very difficult to select them, and the number must be guaranteed, otherwise it will not be representative.
The only consolation is that the whole country has vigorously promoted the peasants’ collectivization in the era of sports farms, and the degree of peasants’ collectivization has greatly increased, which is no longer the state of bulk small-scale peasant economy more than ten years ago.
Therefore, it is not too difficult to select suitable farmers’ representatives from individual farms, and to select hardworking and hardworking outstanding farmers’ representatives from individual farms.
Like the factory and the army, the grass-roots organization of the Renaissance Association leads the farm, which is equivalent to the organization of farmers. The organization department also has a series of production competitions, such as the honorary titles of "expert in transplanting rice", "champion in farming" and "king of growing grain", which is quite interesting.
To some extent, this has greatly reduced the difficulty of selecting farmers’ representatives.

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随着生活水平的提高,脂肪肝已经成为一种常见的疾病,许多武汉市民也深受其害。在日常生活中,喝茶是一种简单有效的养生方式。那么,脂肪肝患者如何喝茶才能既养肝又护胃呢? 首先,脂肪肝患者适合饮用绿茶。绿茶含有丰富的茶多酚,可以提高肝组织中肝脂酶的活性,降低过氧化脂质含量,具有一定的调血脂、降胆固醇的作用。绿茶还具有清热、生津解渴、提神清心的功效,有助于改善脂肪肝患者的症状。 其次,红茶也是脂肪肝患者的理想选择。红茶中的茶多酚、茶黄素等活性物质较多,有利于消化和降脂。红茶还具有促进消化、生成唾液、清热、提神、消除疲劳的功效,有助于改善脂肪肝患者的消化功能。 此外,普洱茶也是脂肪肝患者的好选择。普洱茶富含茶多酚、咖啡碱等物质,有助于暖胃、降脂、降压。普洱茶还具有降血脂、清胃生津、消食化痰的功效,有助于改善脂肪肝患者的消化和代谢。 然而,脂肪肝患者在喝茶时还需注意以下几点: 1. 控制饮茶量:过量饮茶可能会对胃部造成刺激,甚至引发胃溃疡、慢性胃炎等问题。因此,脂肪肝患者应适量饮茶,每天2-3杯为宜。 2. 避免空腹饮茶:空腹饮茶容易导致胃酸分泌过多,刺激胃黏膜。脂肪肝患者最好在饭后饮茶,以减轻对胃部的影响。 3. 注意饮茶时间:晚上睡前不宜饮茶,以免影响睡眠。最佳饮茶时间为上午和下午。 4. 选择适宜的茶具:选用陶瓷或玻璃茶具,避免使用金属茶具,以免茶叶中的茶多酚与金属发生反应,影响茶水品质。 总之,脂肪肝患者可以通过饮用绿茶、红茶、普洱茶等茶叶,达到养肝护胃的效果。当然,最关键的还是要调整饮食结构,控制体重,积极参加体育锻炼,以改善脂肪肝病情。同时,脂肪肝患者应定期复查,及时了解病情变化,并在医生指导下进行合理治疗。


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