武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 品茶论坛 Walking in front of a house, two people handed over a waist tag respectively, and Yunzui immediately took out the waist tag.

Walking in front of a house, two people handed over a waist tag respectively, and Yunzui immediately took out the waist tag.

Twenty-five waist tag departments asked her to confiscate her waist tag.
The killer sends it once, but it is confiscated directly once it is completed.
Entering the room, I found that the heat was rising.
It turns out that there is a big bathhouse inside.
Because kite is a neat freak, although he makes you kill people like hemp, he doesn’t like the smell of blood.
Very contradictory.
No matter whether the killer has failed or succeeded, the first thing to do when he comes back is not to leave a message, but to wash his blood smell before he can meet the master.
If the transaction price exceeds 500,000 yuan, you will report it to Lingyou Hall and Lingyuan.
So Yunzui is honored that her price is over 500 thousand!
501,000 heads. The man who was assassinated must be no ordinary person.
I want to have a look at the kite
But Yunzui hesitated.
The two killers took off their clothes immediately after they came in. It is obvious that the three of them washed together!
But Yunzui is pretending to be a daughter …
Seeing that Yunzui had not arrived yet, one of the two killers couldn’t help asking, "Why don’t you hurry up?"
Yunzui secretly frowned, and her mind was running rapidly. What can she say?
Suddenly Yunzui seemed to think of something and immediately controlled his voice and disguised it as a man’s timbre. "I was wounded by an arrow, and it is not easy to see water …"
Yeah, those two killers just remembered
At this time, they have finished taking off their clothes and are so naked in front of Yunzui, but they still keep an open look or they will be suspected.
"Don’t like the smell of blood. Be careful yourself. You don’t have to take a bath. You can wipe off the smell of blood. It should be no problem!" Say they have jumped into the water.
Their master doesn’t like the smell of blood, but every time they take a shower to see the master, they are more than ten meters away, so they can’t smell it! So they think maybe it’s okay not to take a shower!
The water splashed and slightly wet the drunken clothes.
Cloud drunk frowned and looked up here.
According to what the killer said, she didn’t wash it.
Two people take a bath very quickly. They change into gray tights and put clean silver tights aside.
Seeing Yunzui, he immediately flashed his eyes to the back position and took a silver tights to change the gray.
When the two killers are cleaned up, Yunzui is also cleaned up.
When they walked out, the two killers were surprised that the speed of cloud intoxication would be so fast.
However, they approached Yunzui and said, "You’d better be careful to let the master find out that you smell of blood, and maybe it will even bring trouble to both of us!"
14 Chapter 14 Meet the master (2)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"I’ll be careful …" Yunzui hung his head.
She really didn’t know it was good to make kites have this quirk.
What are you pretending to hate the smell of blood? What a freak!
The three men walked briskly along the promenade, lined with killers in silver tights. They all looked cold and chilling.
This kind of ostentation and extravagance is like the emperor coming from behind, but it doesn’t feel good to be drunk.
In modern times, the ostentation and extravagance of their organization boss is a solemn and timid step.
Dressed in a neat black suit, everyone wears a pair of black sunglasses on their shoulders, but machine guns are far from ancient times!
Yunzui’s head didn’t swing, but her eyes were gurgling. She was looking around and remembering how many people there were and the route around.
So even if she is caught, it will be much easier to escape.
Remember clearly how many steps, one whistle and one post are included in every road along the way.
Outside the hall, the three of them knelt at the door and waited for the hall master to call.
It’s night now, and if the master is asleep, it means that they have to kneel all night or longer …
Cloud drunk tight early know not to come, incredibly let her kneel!
Be patient at this time!
One minute passed, and they waited for half an hour before they went in.
In the abnormal field of the main hall, there is a round big bed surrounded by carved patterns of suet jade, and the curtains around the bed are fluttering faintly, through which you can see the figure of the reclining person inside.
Yunzui can’t help wondering if this master is a woman?
If it’s really a woman, she should wear it
Because in a dynasty where men are superior to women, you can be the leader of such a powerful organization, which can really make Yunzui worship.
There is a round bed with lotus patterns carved around it as if it were a lotus flower.
Lotus is a kind of holy flower, but at this time there is an indescribable evil spirit!

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