武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 Do you still want to compete with Su Yonglin in the North?

Do you still want to compete with Su Yonglin in the North?

Of course, Bei Dan didn’t, but Su Yonglin made him feel like a sore throat, and he always felt uneasy and very distressed that Su Yonglin would win the position.
Zhao Liang didn’t know how to communicate with Zhao Kaishan after ten minutes. He felt that Zhao Kaishan was blinded by lard and could not think normally.
"Take the mountain, you can think about your mind. Su Yonglin and Sun Yike both know clearly that they have left troops in Dongping House and Yidu House. This is to prevent you from being prepared. Don’t be stupid."
Military Zhao Kaishan is very unhappy.
"They really have a bad mind and are disloyal to me!"
Zhao Liang looked at Zhao Kaishan.
Zhao Kaishan couldn’t say anything in silence.
Zhao Kaishan asked Zhao Liang to leave for a long time. He wanted to be alone.
Zhao Liang nodded and left Zhao Kaishan’s room, leaving it to Zhao Kaishan.
Leave Zhao Kaishan mansion road Zhao Liang met Zhao Yucheng.
Zhao Yucheng greets respectfully.
Zhao Liang nodded and was about to leave. Suddenly I saw Zhao Yucheng’s youthful demeanor and remembered that Zhao Yucheng and Su Yonglin had a lot of letters and more thoughts in my heart.
"Yucheng, have you written to Su Yuting recently?"
"Yes, why not?"
Zhao Yucheng laughed. "Uncle Yuting didn’t forget to write to me even when he was marching, urging me to read, learn and understand the soldiers, and encouraging me to work hard to win this Yuting uncle war. I also wrote a letter to congratulate him."
Zhao Liang thought for a moment and then asked, "How are you?"
Zhao Yucheng nodded, of course.
"Naturally, Uncle Yuting and I are very good. I often ask him some questions, and Uncle Yuting will reply to me seriously. Sometimes I feel very strange that Uncle Yuting is two years older than me, but he looks like my elder."
Zhao Yucheng touched his head and laughed.
Zhao Liang suddenly had some strange feelings in his heart.
"Oh so that …"
"There’s nothing to write to Su Yuting. This can be maintained. Su Yuting is a person worth learning."
"That’s natural!"
Yu-cheng zhao raised his fist "one day I also want to like rain pavilion uncle even in the face of gold thief hammering will never give up! We have to fight to the death to defeat them! "
"Good … good!"
Zhao Liang reluctantly smiled and then slowly left Zhao Kaishan’s mansion.
It’s really strange
You are always so afraid of Su Yonglin, but you regard Su Yonglin as an idol and a soul mate. Are you really going to be okay as a father?
Zhao Liangnai shook his head sadly, which was very worrying about their future.
But soon Zhao Liang had no idea about Zhao Kaishan and Zhao Yucheng’s father.
Because something happened to him.
Zhao Kaihe, who was sent by Zhao Kaishan to fight corruption, slipped back a corrupt pension and war bounty criminal directly.
And this corrupt criminal is Zhao Liangchang and Zhao Xiuye.
Chapter 252 Zhao Liang resigned
Zhao Liang looked at his son with a face of Meng force and was carried back by Zhao Kaihe majestically, shivering before kneeling Zhao Kaishan.
For a while, he couldn’t understand what happened to become like this.
Why would Zhao Kaihe bring his son here?
"Show industry … this … this is how to return a responsibility?"
Zhao Xiuye bowed his head and dared not speak.
Zhao Kaihe looked at Zhao Liang proudly.
"What’s going on is not loud and clear? Corruption pension and war bounty are your long Zhao Xiuye! The physical evidence of the witness is irrefutable! "
Zhao Liang was suddenly silly like a bolt from the blue.
"This … how is this possible?"
Zhao Liang can’t believe this is a fact, but the fact is that Zhao Xiuye can’t say a word against these accusations.
Zhao Kaihe then showed Zhao Xiuye’s secret account books and some witnesses to directly complete the chain of evidence.
mass of irrefutable facts/ironclad evidence
it’s true
Zhao Xiuye took advantage of Zhao Liang’s status to grab money from pensions and war bounty by various means.
Responsible officials and local officials are afraid of his status and dare not fight, but can honestly give him money.
Then he got the money, paid off his gambling debts, and then went on gambling and spending a lot of money to live a very luxurious life.
Zhao Xiuye was greedy for the money he worked hard for.
Of course, there are also many people outside Zhao Xiuye who start work on this money, but Zhao Xiuye’s hand is the most cruel and black, and it is typical that Zhao’s own people are caught.
Zhao Liang is now in a very bad situation.
Anti-corruption action is his advocacy of anti-corruption officials and his recommendation. In the end, the biggest gain from anti-corruption is his son.
This is embarrassing.
Not only is Zhao Liang embarrassed, but Zhao Kaishan is also really embarrassed.
Anti-corruption turned to his own family. The flood washed the Longwang Temple, which really made him speechless.
"Uncle, what is this?"
Zhao Kaishan fought back his displeasure and looked at Zhao Liang, hoping to get a meaningful answer.

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在繁忙的都市生活中,人们总是追逐着时间的脚步,匆匆忙忙地度过每一天。然而,在这喧嚣的世界里,总有一处宁静的角落,让人暂时忘却烦恼,尽情享受慢生活的美好。园林路,便是这样一处地方。 园林路,位于城市的边缘,这里绿树成荫,花草繁盛,古色古香的建筑点缀其间,宛如一幅水墨画卷。走在园林路上,仿佛能听到时光的流转,感受到岁月的沉淀。 沿着园林路漫步,你会发现路两旁的茶馆别具一格。它们大多为木质结构,古朴典雅,给人一种静谧的感觉。走进茶馆,一股淡淡的茶香扑鼻而来,让人瞬间放松身心。 在茶馆里,你可以选择一款心仪的茶叶,或绿茶、红茶,或普洱、白茶,任你挑选。泡上一杯茶,坐下来,慢慢品味。茶香在唇齿间弥漫,让你陶醉其中。 此时,不妨放下手中的手机,与朋友、家人或独自一人,享受这份宁静。你可以观察窗外的风景,欣赏树叶的摇曳,感受大自然的魅力。也可以翻阅一本好书,沉浸在文字的世界里,让心灵得到滋养。 在园林路,慢生活不仅仅是一种生活方式,更是一种生活态度。在这里,你可以放下心中的负担,与朋友畅谈心事,也可以独自一人沉思冥想。这种自由自在的感觉,让人陶醉不已。 园林路还有许多特色小店,售卖着各种手工艺品、美食和文创产品。在这里,你可以购买一份小礼物,送给亲朋好友,表达你的心意。也可以品尝当地特色小吃,感受地方风情。 在园林路,时间仿佛变得缓慢,生活的节奏也变得舒缓。你可以在这里感受清晨的第一缕阳光,也可以在这里聆听夜晚的虫鸣。无论是春花烂漫,还是秋叶飘零,园林路都以其独特的魅力,吸引着无数人前来。 漫步在园林路,你会发现,这里的慢生活并非无所事事,而是用心去体验生活的每一个细节。在这里,你可以放下忙碌,享受生活带来的美好。这种慢生活,正是我们这个时代所缺失的。 总之,园林路是一个让人心旷神怡的地方。在这里,你可以尽情享受慢生活的美好,让心灵得到放松。当你再次踏上忙碌的征程时,相信你会带着满满的能量,去迎接新的挑战。