53 Chapter 53 Huifei

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Just as Yunzui was about to speak, Taifei suddenly appeared in front of everyone and said, "She is a toffee today. Do you want her to salute you?"
Smell speech, everyone was surprised and looked at Yunzui. Now the people in front of them have been prominent in the imperial city.
Will the cloud family be defeated and won the favor of the pool?
Yunzui is more mysterious in the eyes of everyone, and Chixuan seems to be very special about Yunzui, allowing Yunzui to enter and leave the court.
If such a woman wants to help them, who might turn over very easily?
Such a thought that everyone can’t help but think about buttering up Yunzui.
"Just now, the male and female servants said something wrong and asked the toffee to make atonement." Before that, the rude person leaned over and apologized to Yunzui.
And Yunzui’s main purpose is not to really oppose them, but to understand Yunfei’s miscarriage.
Now these princesses have taken the initiative to apologize. It is unreasonable for Yunzui to be drunk. They are still trying to make trouble with them just now.
"Didn’t you also don’t know my identity" cloud drunk immediately said politely to them.
Smell speech the princess can’t help but relax at the same time.
They know that Yunzui is sharp and Yunzui has no scruples about Yunjia’s family, and they will not pay attention to mutual affection for them.
Moreover, it is said that if you are drunk, you must show a little bit, and if you are drunk, you will make the other party pay back twice.
Just now, they were worried that Yunzui would have a cow, but they didn’t expect Yunzui to have no intention to blame.
Breathe a sigh of relief, Princess is naturally a flatterer and immediately flatters and says, "Toffee is really generous."
Yunzui didn’t say anything when she praised and flattered Princess, but asked, "What did you just say about Yunfei’s abortion?"
Smell speech all the concubines can’t help but look at each other. Yi Taifei didn’t expect Yunzui to be interested in this, so she immediately looked at Yunzui.
The topic of Yunzui once again knows that Yunzui wants to know what’s going on inside, and all the princesses immediately have a population saying, "Not long ago, Yunfei’s child unfortunately flowed out and the cause of abortion was pushed down by Huifei."
Smell speech cloud drunk eyes flashed a surprised look.
Hui Fei pushed it to Yunyao?
If you really want to murder the heir, how can you be so bold?
That should be done in secret, too. Will it be done openly?
Isn’t that what you’re doing to yourself?
Cloud drunk can’t help but frown slightly. Isn’t the doubt too big?
"Hui Fei pushed to Yunyao. Can there be witnesses?" Otherwise, why doesn’t Huifei quibble? Still guilty?
Smell speech they couldn’t help but look at each other. Why did Yunzui have to ask these questions?
However, there are many people who please Yunzui Princess, so no matter what the emperor hears about it, will he be unhappy and answer, "There were several princesses here at that time, and I saw that Huifei pushed Yunfei down."
Smell speech cloud drunk not eyes flashing a then nodded and didn’t ask to plan.
All these people have said so. Maybe she is too sensitive and suspicious to witness it with her own eyes.
Yunzui shook his head and walked in the other direction, but Yi Taifei couldn’t help but go at once.
In fact, she seldom goes out of her own palace, all because she heard that Yunzui came to the palace. Of course, she would like to thank Yunzui.
54 Chapter 54 Huifei (2)
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"I haven’t come in a hurry to thank you yet. I heard that you entered the palace this time, so I rushed over." Yi Taifei said politely.
Yun Zui can’t help but slightly hook her lips. Toffee Yi is an elder and Chiyuan’s mother. Although her identity and Toffee Yi are the same, her age and modern thoughts are there, and she will naturally be respectful to Toffee Yi.
Yi Taifei was so polite that Yunzui shook her head and said, "You’re welcome. Is Chiyuan my master or is it my friend who is in trouble to draw out a sword to help? I will do the same even if you don’t tell me what to say."
I didn’t expect Yunzui to be so polite.
The second-time toffee is very fond of Yunzui, and even more so this time.
Take what happened just now. If some people have noble status, they will be arrogant and arrogant, but they are not drunk at all.
"Chiyuan can be friends with you, which is a great blessing for him." Appropriate toffee can’t help but feel slightly disappointed. Chiyuan’s son really makes people worry.
Yunzui couldn’t help but smile and say, "In fact, Chiyuan just didn’t let him in, and it didn’t inspire him. It’s like Qianbo Jingjing died, but he didn’t recover. Instead, he went to the early stage. This is enterprising."
Smell speech appropriate toffee can not help but also have some relief to return Chiyuan will be sad for a long time. In fact, she is also very surprised that Chiyuan will become disappointing instead.
"By the way, they just said that there was no grievance in this matter that Huifei pushed to Yunfei?" Yunzui turned the topic back again.
Smell speech appropriate toffee couldn’t help but think about it. At that time, it was very big in the palace. Huifei and Huifei’s family were all taken into prison, but they haven’t been beheaded yet. "
Murdering the heir is a big crime involving Jiuzu, which is just a word from Chi Xuan.
"An heir will be so involved?" Cloud drunk not slightly startled.
And Yi Taifei sighed and said, "In fact, the emperor really took this matter too seriously. The former imperial concubine also had heirs, but she either died young or was stillborn."
Cloud drunk can’t help but slightly raise eyebrows. Is this all framed by palace fights?
Yun Zui couldn’t help asking, "Yi Taifei, you are a person living in the palace. You must have experienced a lot of storms from a show girl to a toffee now, right? Is the harem a place where people are cheating and the world is cold, eating people and not spitting bones? "

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踏入这家SPA中心,仿佛进入了一个与世隔绝的仙境。豪华的装修、温馨的氛围、专业的服务,让我瞬间忘却了城市的喧嚣。SPA中心的环境设计独具匠心,每一个细节都透露出对奢华和品质的追求。 在专业按摩师团队的引领下,我开始了我的SPA之旅。首先,我体验了经典的瑞典按摩。按摩师手法娴熟,力度适中,每一次的触碰都让我感受到全身的放松。接着,我又尝试了深层组织按摩,缓解了长时间工作带来的肌肉酸痛。在按摩的过程中,我仿佛置身于云端,全身心沉浸在这份宁静与舒适之中。 除了按摩,SPA中心还提供多种高级护理项目。我选择了面部护理和身体磨砂,让肌肤得到了彻底的放松和呵护。专业的美容师用细腻的手法为我按摩面部,去除老化角质,让我肌肤焕发出青春的光彩。而身体磨砂则让我感受到了前所未有的舒适,仿佛全身的毛孔都得到了深层的清洁。 在SPA中心,我还体验了独特的香薰疗法。在柔和的灯光和舒缓的音乐中,我闭上眼睛,任由香薰的香气弥漫在空气中。那种身心愉悦的感觉,让我仿佛置身于大自然的怀抱,忘却了所有的烦恼。 这次SPA之旅,让我深刻体会到了生活的不凡品质。在这里,我不仅得到了身心的放松,还收获了满满的幸福感。雨哥的推荐果然没有错,这家SPA中心确实值得推荐给每一位热爱生活的人。 在结束这次SPA之旅后,我带着满满的收获回到了现实生活。在接下来的日子里,我会将这次SPA的体验融入到日常生活中,让自己始终保持最佳状态。同时,我也将向身边的朋友推荐这家高端SPA中心,让更多的人享受到这份奢华与舒适。


About two hours later, the town Dachuan looked at Ai Tanke with his teeth and said, "Brother, as a soldier, he is either preparing to fight or going to fight