武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 In fact, healing is also a very exhausting task, which can make a person tired. Xiao asked how jīng he slept until he felt someone patting his arm.

In fact, healing is also a very exhausting task, which can make a person tired. Xiao asked how jīng he slept until he felt someone patting his arm.

Xiao asked immediately when jǐng woke up and turned to look, it turned out that Nan Yunqing came to him and was half squatting to point out and beckoned him to look outside.
Xiao Wen nodded his head first, and then he looked out. At the bottom of the valley, there was a white Se figure in the dim light, and quietly came to a law and then stopped there.
In the middle of the night, the white Se figure just stopped there quietly, just like a ghost. If the law middleman suddenly woke up and saw such a person outside, he would definitely scream with fear.
Although it is far away, Xiao Wen also feels that he has swallowed water behind his back. What’s the matter? "
"No, when I was born with jǐng, the man was already walking towards there." Nan Yunqing said softly.
"Wait a minute. I’ll wake them up."
A moment later, Xiao asked to shout the performance of Ning and Ouyang Yue. Four people looked out together or did Ouyang Yue recognize the direct way Han Xiuxiu? "
"Don’t look like a figure?" Xiao asked.
"Have you ever seen Han Xiuxiu undress?" Ouyang yue asks.
When Xiao asked, he responded that the white man was about the same size as Han Xiuxiu at that time, but the hairstyle was changed and the white Se dress seemed a little loose. He didn’t recognize it.
"Is it really Han Xiuxiu?" Xiao asked is consciousness tunnel
"Look at her squatting" Ouyang Yue suddenly said
When I looked over there again, I saw that the white woman crouched down and turned out to be a hand tapping gently on the defense law.
Xiao Wenzheng’s consternation was even more amazing. After several times, someone emerged from the law. Instead of being scared by Han Xiuxiu, he was very close to Han Xiuxiu and excitedly wrote a novel.
The man who came out of the law for a moment turned out to be a high-handed man who hugged Han Xiuxiu horizontally and strode towards Y and N in the dark while kissing.
Xiao Wen, Yan Ning and Ouyang Yue were all shocked. They are twenty-something guys who can feel a little uncomfortable after seeing this … On the other hand, Nan Yunqing’s face has been expressionless and her eyes have not changed. Being an Asian god, she has seen everything, and naturally she will not have the slightest ripple in her heart because of this kind of thing.
Soon Han Xiuxiu and the man disappeared into the darkness. Xiao Wen and others looked back and then looked at each other.
Ouyang Yue swallowed his mouth, and the waterway will be like this? As early as she is so easy … "
Halfway through, Ouyang Yue realized that there was another Nan Yunqing next to her, and that was an embarrassment.
Xiao asked now is still a virgin, and some concentration frown way may not be so simple … "
Then they temporarily lost their sleep and waited there.
As a result, Han Xiuxiu walked out of the darkness without even a lamp of tea, but the man was gone.
Han Xiuxiu went to another law and waited quietly for a long time. After that, she squatted down again and checked out a person from the law …
After three transgressions, Ouyang Yue is already finished with Se heart. He has already linked Han Xiuxiu’s comments with seeing those bodies in the path.
But after all, I didn’t see her kill someone with my own eyes, like to stop it?
"Let’s go and see?" Xiao asked
"She is a true fairy realm" Ouyang Yue woke up.
"Let her kill the others and then she will come to us?" Xiao asked immediately
"Did Xiao ask if those people really killed Han Xiuxiu? The goal is probably that all of us will find us sooner or later." Yan Ning also chimed in.
"South girl, don’t go. Let’s take a look at the three of us." Xiao asked, turning to Nan Yunqing.
Watched Han Xiuxiu and took away another person. Xiao asked three people to sneak out of the law without hesitation and crept behind Han Xiuxiu and a man at a distance.
The man and Han Xiuxiu talked lightly, but it was simply unbearable to let Xiao Wen, Ning Yan and Ouyang Yue thoroughly understand what kind of person Han Xiuxiu is.
How can a woman from this world look like this? Is she a prostitute in the world?
Then Han Xiuxiu and the man finally stopped when they came to a rock, and then they heard the sound of undressing "bursts, bursts" just like tearing directly …
Ouyang Yue couldn’t help but swallow the water again. The sound is quite big. This guy is not the first brother. Once he was there, he forgot the danger.

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