武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 品茶论坛 Speaking of which, Princess Changle sighed and said, "It’s hurtful to say more here. I hope you will be good in the future."

Speaking of which, Princess Changle sighed and said, "It’s hurtful to say more here. I hope you will be good in the future."

Li Chongjiu listened to Princess Changle, but smiled slightly and said, "Does this mean that if life is first seen?"
Princess Changle couldn’t help but be surprised to hear Li Chongjiu.
Li Chongjiu also knows Princess Changle very well. This princess was born in an imperial family since childhood and has little contact with the outside world. She is also a woman with a strong sense of justice, just as she would protect the elk when she first met.
Although the other side has a natural sense of justice, Li Chongjiu can understand it, but his disgust is so great. All your daughters have a common problem: they look at things from their own angles and don’t understand other people’s positions.
Li Chongjiu said seriously, "Princess, I’m sorry to offend you, but not everyone is a monarch. There are too many things for us and the right people."
"I’m not saying this to complain about my origins. Among the six people, I dare say that one of them was killed by me in self-defense. If the princess still wants to be offended by the right people, there is nothing to say, but please ask the princess to punish the right people."
Princess Changle heard Li Chongjiu say this angrily and said, "Don’t you think I dare?"
Li Chongjiu said, "I’m not ashamed to dare the right people to do things, so I frankly ask the princess to forgive me."
Seeing that Li Chongjiu, Princess Changle, was going to have a conflict, Yang Fang was very sorry. He immediately said, "Well, you two look at me and forget it." Princess Changle listened to Yang Fang and left with a snort.
Yang Chang saw that Li Chongjiu was unhappy and smiled and said, "This is my sister’s temper, but I quarreled with her several times when I was a child. Although she was angry at that time, she was not at ease after a day."
Li Chongjiu smiled and said, "Where dare you be angry with the princess?"
Yang Fang laughed and said, "Oh, by the way, did you come to say goodbye to me? Don’t you want to stay in the Qi Palace to do things? "
Li Chongjiu said, "Thank you, the King of Qi, for cultivating the right people and not wanting to work in officialdom."
After listening to this, Yang Chang said with some emotion, "You are also simple and straightforward. How many people dream of asking me for an errand and can’t get in? But it’s all right for those flatterers to kick me out of the door, so I can believe that you are a sincere friend to me."
Li Chongjiu smiled and said, "That’s very kind of you."
"I’ll give you something as a souvenir if I leave," Yang Changdang said with a smile.
Chapter sixty-four Pick up the stars and capture the moon
Speaking of gifts, Yang Chang immediately called a steward in Wangfu and said a few words.
Li Chongjiu can’t help but expect something from the bottom of my heart at the moment. Yang Chang, a humble prince, can give gifts to each other. It should be valuable.
Li Chongjiu waited for a while when a servant of Wangfu came with a bow.
Yang Chang smiled and took the bow from the servant and said to Li Chongjiu, "This bow is named after the bow held by sharpshooter Yang Youji. The bow force of Sanshi was made by Huang Zhongye, a general of Shu Han in those days. This bow can penetrate armor 120 paces away!"
Listen to Yang Chang said that Li Chongjiu couldn’t help but take this bow from Yang Chang and see that the bow arm is very long, and the end made of high-speed iron wood, fine copper cowhide and beef tendon is beautiful.
Yang Chang said with a smile, "I heard that you are a hunter and you must be good at shooting, so I’ll give you this bow and see if you can fill it up. If it’s too soft, I’ll give you a hard bow."
Lee Chong-jiu tried to see that this animal was pulled straight as a full moon by Lee Chong-jiu in front of an archer.
Yang Chang couldn’t help but exclaim slightly, "Good arm strength. My Wangfu central defenders are all elite soldiers from the government, but there are more than 20 people who can pull this bow full, but you can easily do it." I heard that Li Chongjiu smiled, practiced health preservation, and then took three medicine baths. Now Li Chongjiu can be said to have greatly increased his arm strength, and his arms are 100 kilograms. It is a difficult eye to make the three stone bow.
Li Chongjiu said with a smile, "Your report has praised the wild grass people in the mountains, but it is somewhat brute force."
Yang Chang shook his head and said, "It seems that I am stingy to wait."
Said Yang Chang and told the Wangfu steward a few words. After listening to this, the Wangfu steward was surprised to see Li Chongjiu when he was excused.
This time, when Li Chongjiu waited for a long time, Yang Chang was somewhat impatient and urged several people to let them see if they had got it.
Finally, the footsteps outside the door rang, and the steward arrived late. The servants each held two boxes and said, "The report hall has finally been taken."
Li Chongjiu’s heart said that it took so long to see the two servants holding boxes, one long and one short, which were tightly sealed and could not help secretly marveling.
Yang Chang waved and said
"Yes," said two servants, playing a brocade box with yellow silk and two bows of primitive simplicity.
Yang Chang said, "If it weren’t for the former boasting, these two bows would not be easy to give you this one."
Li Chongjiu saw that Yang Chang took out an arm-long archer from a box and grabbed the bow. He said, "This bow was made by a famous craftsman of the Ministry of Industry of Sui Dynasty after five years of hard work, and it can break the armor with five stones and one hundred and sixty steps."
"Five stone bows!"
Li Chongjiu immediately with.
Then Yang Chang released the star-picking bow and took out another bow, which was as long as most people.
Listening to Yang Chang’s words, "This bow has done more to win the moon than to win the stars! You can break the armor a hundred paces away! "
"six stone bows"
Li Chongjiu cried his eyes flashing.
"Bao Bow gives heroes these two bows, one of which is available in my palace, so almost no one remembers that I value nine, but at the age of sixteen, you can actually add five or six stones to your strength, so I will give them to you!"
Yang Chang Kan Kan said
Li Chongjiu can’t help but be overjoyed at this. It’s true that it won’t take a few years for him to practice this health-preserving skill in the future. Maybe one day he will get five stone bows or even six stone bows.
When Li Chongjiu hesitated, the so-called good bow weapon was given to someone who must be his confidant. Yang Chang, a dead man, gave himself this gift. Aren’t you afraid that he will hold the force?
However, Li Chongjiu hesitated for a while, but still took the two bows and said, "Thank you for your generous gift from the King’s Hall of Qi."
At this time, Yang Chang smiled with satisfaction, but he said that this person is always brave and will win over in the future. Maybe there is somewhere else to think of here. He can’t help but read his dead brother, Yang Chang.
This is a smart and tolerant person. This time, Liao ordered him to guard Xijing. This is a great favor. I am afraid that Yang Chang will be able to compete for the position in the future.
This man is an outlaw, tired, lonely king, entrusted with shelter, so I can make friends with him first. Yang Chang, a dead king who will become an orphan one day, smiled and gave a high five. At this moment, a servant came out with a plate of gold.
Yang Changdang said with a smile, "This is thirty gold for nine times, even if I give you travelling expenses."

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