武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 The pillars of the sky have penetrated through 30 pieces of collapsed sky, and the world is still unstoppable, but it has finally slowed down.

The pillars of the sky have penetrated through 30 pieces of collapsed sky, and the world is still unstoppable, but it has finally slowed down.

Just as planting seedlings in spring absorbs enough sunlight and water at first, it can imagine tenacious vitality, and it thrives and breaks through the blocking soil until it is full.
Then it meets the summer sun, thunder and bleak frost in autumn, and it gradually becomes withered until the snow closes.
The pillars of the sky have not faded.
It’s still growing, even slowly, and it looks a little tired.
It broke through the thirty-first lotus world.
That’s the word "shore" lotus.
All the hundreds of believers who silently recited the sacred heart formula and sacrificed their faith clearly felt that the Yuan God trembled violently when the light beam of faith touched the lotus world.
Some practitioners who can’t practice well turn pale and blood overflows from their mouths.
But they still insist on the belief of sacrifice.
The world of lotus on the shore was shattered, and several streams of fire and blaster burst into flames, which fell on the body of loyal believers. The man burned up and struggled wildly to scream.
However, there was no one to save him. Hundreds of believers’ ears echoed with the sad cry of the man, and they listened quietly to his death.
The source of faith is so little, and the speed of the giant beam slows down again …
The thirty-second is the lotus world with the word "there"
When it collapsed, the pillars of the sky shook, and hundreds of doors were stacked. Many brothers spat and spilled blood, and hundreds of pieces had collapsed.
The thirty-third is the word "self" lotus world.
When it collapsed, there was a crack in the pillar of the sky. This time, the blood spilled from the quarrel was injured by many strong clansmen. They sacrificed their faith again and wiped the blood from their mouths. They looked at the top ten stars with a sad face and then looked up at the 34th lotus world.
The thirty-fourth is the lotus world with the word "Buddha"
Folian world is falling down.
To everyone’s surprise, there is no sound of world collapse and no streamer fireworks.
The world of Buddha’s lotus fell from top to bottom, and the relative stillness was maintained, but after three breaths and three breaths, it collapsed one after another. The world belief beam suddenly fell off a piece of golden forest.
So in front of the temple, a high-maintenance patriarch suddenly vomited blood, and his classmates also sacrificed more and more faith with vomiting blood. A hundred strong people vomited blood and the light beam of faith fell off wildly.
There are more and more cracks in it, which are like cobwebs all over the place.
It keeps falling off our pieces, and those pieces fall from the depths of the sky, and the gas produces friction, and the clouds burn up, blowing in the wind.
The lotus world is still sinking and sealing.
Feet on thirty-six heavy days, black hair, silver hair, like crazy as a worm, looking at the lotus world, sealing off hundreds of disciples, Yuan Shen’s pain seems to be crushed, and he feels that every inch of his body muscles are bleeding because the lotus world has collapsed one after another, because it is not just a simple lotus, it is also a part of his body. After waking up, he has already merged with thirty-six petals of lotus.
He is suffering from this kind of pain, and the blood can be seen in the red Shaqi. His injury is so serious that he has already reached a tipping point at any time.
But looking down at those people who are dying after twelve days, he has an indescribable pleasure in his heart
That’s the feeling!
Crushing feeling!
Feels like stepping on your enemy!
He is supported by a mouthful of resentment!
He is not worried that the so-called stupid belief can penetrate the lotus world, even if it really runs through the 33 lotus worlds.
Because he has a knife in his hand.
The butcher’s knife is not in his hand.
The lotus world in the 36-character lotus-born formula is the butcher’s knife scabbard. Twelve years ago, the Buddha world with the butcher’s knife sealed a hundred sects in Tiandong.
Luo Changfeng, if it weren’t for Fengzong,
He’s going to crush the twelve stars!
He burst out laughing.
It’s very magical, which makes people laugh and reverberate through hundreds of rivers and mountains. The sound of heaven and earth affects several people’s heartbeats, which makes the blood of hundreds of disciples injured by sacrificing their faith surge and may be possessed at any time.
Luo Changfeng won’t care about this.
He descended from the sky with his feet on the lotus world, and his silver hair was flying and his black robe was like a fiend!
He is a fiend!
He took a cold look at the pillars supporting the Buddha’s lotus world. One foot and one shock method, and the terror of words hit the Buddha’s lotus world all over …
A fiend has made the world of Buddha lotus.
The world went crazy.
It crushes the cracked beam of faith.
Hundreds of religions and millions of people in Tiandong collapsed before the temple.
The sky is falling, too

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