"Roar “`"

Green hair figure roaring a head smashed and ShaQi monstrous didn’t die immediately. If crazy hands scratch toward Xiao Yu’s body.
Those black monks don’t look big. I didn’t expect Xiao Yu to dare to take the lead!
And one of their assistants will be directly hit!
"Damn it, kill him!"
"They dare to kill one for me!"
Those black monks roared with anger and threw themselves at a group of people at Jiaomujiao.
At this time!
Xiao Yu punched the green hair figure and looked at the other person’s hands and caught it with a cold glance. He shot a terrible cold light backhand and held the other person’s body up like a scarecrow!
Poof, a green hair figure was torn in half by him on the spot, and his body was still struggling, wriggling and shaking violently, trying to get back together.
Cut it!
Xiao Yuyun turned to the nether world, and a terrible chill appeared in his hands, instantly freezing the two halves of the body, and the two sculptures fell to the ground motionless.
All this is slow to say, but it’s actually slower than the rapid light flint. The black people just want to start work, and this green hair figure has been solved by Xiao Yu.
Xiao solved the problem that the green hair figure body flashed and rushed to the group of black monks with a more terrible and fierce breath.
In his eyes, the divine light flashed, and a mysterious terrorist force had spread out and rushed to the Godsworn. Suddenly, like those people who had previously encountered, their faces were dull and they were lost in the dreamland.
First of all, the black man suddenly shivered in a daze and woke up in an instant. His face was horrified and he retreated wildly. "Mind attack, this is mind attack, retreat quickly!"
Xiao Yu eyebrows a wrinkly didn’t expect such a person to wake up so soon. His body rushed by in an instant and locked the man’s neck directly with his big hand.
At first, the man’s eyes stared at his neck, and on the spot, Xiao Yu firmly grasped his hands and feet and danced violently. He struggled hard and said, "Let me go!"
Xiao Yu directly pinched the man’s neck and shattered the body of Yuan Shen without mercy.
At the other corner, Mujiao and others have quickly solved the battle, killing all the monks who were caught in the dreamland, plundering treasures and plundering the essence, and soon a new bloodthirsty bead was handed over to Xiao Yu.
If a group of people do everything and stride out of here.
There is no panic scene in the street, and pedestrians don’t bother to look at it. There are no fewer than thousands of fights like this every day.
It’s so common!
"Hey, a few more batches of monks who don’t know how to live or die, and we can make money like this. It’s fast enough and enjoyable enough." Jiao Mujiao laughed low.
They walked along the street and soon found a place to sell maps.
Seeing the shop is a fierce and ugly man with a face of scars and a short shirt, and his arms are all ferocious wounds. It is reasonable to say that when he is in this situation, the wounds will heal directly without leaving any traces, but he just didn’t do so, exposing the scars to the outside world.
Xiao Yu walked into the store and took an ancient picture.
Jiaomu Jiao, Fengtian Jiao and others will also look up.
"Good map master, this is a good one."
Jiaomujiao whispered
The whole map will mark out most areas of the underworld hell, and there are definite notes on which areas are rich in minerals and which areas are thin in minerals.
Including all kinds of forces and fierce beasts in these areas, have been clearly marked.
In addition, some of his mysterious places are also recorded.
Xiao Yu’s eyes swept all the way and suddenly his eyes flashed and he noticed an area.
Devil Mountain!
Thousands of human remains are piled up with strong and mysterious ShaQi. Since ancient times, they have all been fierce and hideous, and the gathering place is white and stiff, and Hiderigami ““`.
"extremely evil"
Xiao Yu’s mind flashed with several thoughts. This devil mountain looks so similar to what he is looking for!
"What is the price of this map of the store?"
Xiao yukou asked
Without looking up, the Chinese man said, "One million Yin coins!"
"One million Yin coins!"

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