武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 However, the new duke seems to have abolished some policies of the former duke, that is, fire nation, to change the snow country policy

However, the new duke seems to have abolished some policies of the former duke, that is, fire nation, to change the snow country policy

First of all, everyone is required to register. If you register your family information, you can get a food and some things.
No one believed it at first.
Later, the bold man went and got something back, which made more people register.
However, such a registration is equivalent to their being citizens of Snow Country.
This is also inevitable, and the city will naturally not be lost again.
Snow country has such confidence.
In addition, there are many policies that affect the lives of ordinary people, most of which are beneficial.
Thanks to these efforts, the resistance in the occupied areas has been much less.
Although there are still some angry, they can’t afford the wind and waves.
Jiraiya walked in the occupied area.
The army attacks fast, and the ninja travels fast.
Looking at the past, cities found that all the soldiers killed in the war were fire nation soldiers, and civilians were rarely affected by waves. Most of them only received waves when they were bombed or shelled.
That’s something that can’t be helped.
Besides, even the families of fire nation soldiers will not be liquidated.
Will appease them and allow their own families to restrain the body
Of course, there is no resistance before.
Jiraiya has been to many places all the year round, and some places are often visited.
He has also been to and seen some small countries that have been in constant war all the year round, and he has also come from the cruel and forbearing world war.
It’s the first time he’s seen such a windy snow country army.
Even the former ninja troops in fire nation will not be too worried about the lives and deaths of civilians in other countries. When the battlefield meets, it is necessary to throw a bitter or shuriken in the past for safety reasons.
This is still a big country, and it is more disciplined. It is only aimed at the battlefield and invading civilians. It is generally not used to hiding in one’s own home or village.
Small countries are different. It is common to harm civilians.
It seems normal for the recruiter to do whatever he wants.
However, the snow army will not be like this.
Jiraiya has never seen such an army, and its discipline is better than that of a national army in Ninja Mainland. Even those warriors in Iron Kingdom may not be able to do so.
And strict military discipline is the most important reason to win people’s hearts.
Jiraiya saw that many people seemed to be not opposed to being ruled by the Snow Country at all, but were somewhat happy.
Maybe it was bought by the snow country policy.
It was only a few days after the fall, and then it was appeased.
Jiraiya feels a little weird.
At noon, I went to a small town again.
The town didn’t suffer too much damage, perhaps because there were not many troops stationed here, and the Snow Country army called and attacked easily.
He came to the fire country in this small town, which is relatively poor.
The Snow Country Army hasn’t left yet, maybe it’s just called, and it’s not long before the follow-up troops come to take over the defense, or maybe it’s a short rest on the way to attack.
There are several tanks parked in the street, as well as some armored vehicles, personnel carriers, logistics vehicles, motorcycles and other vehicles.
These guys who can run iron have caused many children to watch.
But soon the child was taken home by adults for fear of offending these soldiers and being unlucky.
But there are also some parents who may not have found them yet, or children who have no parents are pointing fingers in the corner.
There are bicycles in the Fire Country and some cars imported from Snow Country, but those are only seen in big cities, so the town has never seen a car before.
I did see the bike.
There are quite a few snow soldiers here, about hundreds.
Many soldiers are on guard around and have lunch together in twos and threes.
Although it was wartime, the food was not bad. There were canned meat, canned fruit and so on.
You can eat hot food if you have enough time.
In addition, there are many foods, such as candy
Several soldiers also distributed candy to children, and it seemed that chatting quickly won the children’s favor.
The town turned around and found no bad events, and no soldiers forced their way into houses to rob food and goods.
"The ninja world may really be unified!"
Jiraiya so regrets.
Maybe now is the time for him to really make a decision?
Although it was not his brother who caused the change in forbearance.
Now this is a real change in forbearance, isn’t it
"Let’s make a choice at this moment to reduce casualties!"
Konoha in the autumn of sixty-four years
The original Konoha Sanren-Jiraiya once again appeared in front of the world to personally surrender some Konoha ninja troops who stuck to the city
He called on most ninja troops to give up resistance and accept peaceful adaptation.
The Snow Country Army advanced the Third Line at a breakneck speed and successfully joined forces outside the capital of fire nation to encircle the famous mansion in the capital of fire nation.
Two days later, fire nation and Daming Prefecture successively fell to fire nation, and many nobles and ministers were captured.
This fire nation has been declared extinct except for some areas that have not yet been occupied
This is a great shock to Fengguo, Tuguo and Leiguo.
The Snow Country has perished, and the water country and fire nation are two big countries. Who will be the next one?
Maybe it’s the wind country
At this time, the wind country has fallen into the chaos, and the war in Shayin Village may break out at any time.
However, the sudden change of the situation made the name of Fengguo not determined to attack, but sent messengers to collect Shayin Village again. He made a rich offer.
But it was rejected.
It is estimated that it will not be long before the country is worried about foreign invasion.
The semi-remnant wind country is unreliable, and the earth country and the thunder country have no contact with each other. Tian country just cut off the land passage between the two countries, and the remaining sea route is still smooth.
The two countries urgently need new allies.
So Xiao organization appeared in front of the two countries.
No eternal enemy has eternal interests.
Although Yunyin Village Department is very unhappy with Xiao Organization, the name of Lei Guo can still be bullied.
The new alliance was established.

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