武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 品茶论坛 "Ah, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait" Zhu Yuanzhe chased me from behind.

"Ah, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait" Zhu Yuanzhe chased me from behind.

"What did I thank you for? What did you and I do? We met by chance. Although we talked face to face at the moment, we turned to be strangers." I stopped and turned my head to look coldly at Zhu Yuanzhe.
Zhu Yuanzhe’s continued pestering made my gratitude to him collapse.
"You and I are all right, then you walk slowly and have a good bye." Zhu Yuanzhe’s face froze with a smile and waved away at me wryly
I frowned when I saw Zhu Yuanzhe enter a room.
Because of his entanglement, I decided not to leave yet
Now Tang Sike’s Emperor Amar has no self-defense ability, and I am worried that someone will do harm to Tang Sike’s Emperor Amar in case the ambulance doesn’t arrive after I leave.
Although I have solved the female ghost, letting Tang Sike keep the house alone is not a natural help to Tang Sike’s emperor Amar.
I stood at the door of the ladder and waited for the ambulance personnel to arrive.
I took out my mobile phone and looked through the missed words just now.
The missed call is not Tang Sike’s mobile phone number, but Wang Dalang changed his new number after leaving fz city.
When I saw that it was Wang Dalang’s telephone number, I called back at once, but it was the phone tone that told me to connect.
I’ll dial it several times in a row, and the number is still connected.
This situation makes me feel uneasy, and I panic.
Is it that Xie Yiming’s situation has been repeated again or what? It may be more and more difficult for me to calm down automatically.
I found Jiang Yan’s phone number and dialed it in the past, but it was miraculously connected, and it was quickly connected there.
When I answered the phone over there, I immediately asked Wang Dalang to call me just now to tell me what Xie Yiming is doing. Is it true that Xie Yiming’s physical condition has appeared again and again before he can return to fz city?
It was an unexpected ecstasy for me to get through Jiang Yan’s words. My voice was uncontrollable and a little shaky. When I spoke, my voice had already brought tears.
"Dear, don’t cry, I will come back to you soon." When I pronounced a series of words, the other end kept silent until the end of my words. After a while, there was a low smile from Xie Yiming.
"Dear" When I heard the sound of Xie Yiming, my tears came out directly, and my face was full of laughter and tears.
My lips are shaking so much that I can’t speak fluently.
"Be good, don’t cry, I feel very distressed. I’m sorry to make my dear worry and feel sad." Then Xie Yiming spoke to comfort me.
"Dear, I am very happy. I am very happy with you. When will you arrive in fz?" I choked up and asked Xie Yiming.
Tears in the corner of my eyes are not the only thing that makes me happy.
Tears of joy feel like I’m finally experiencing it
"Three days later, on Friday night, Master and Heirs are with me. Heirs called you just now. You didn’t pick up thinking that you might be busy and I’ll come.
Reading in sections 15
I’m going to call you again. Who knows you called me first? "Xie Yiming answered my question. His voice sounded a little breathless after he finished speaking.
"Ming, are you still recovering?" When I heard Xie Yiming panting, my high spirits were cut off.
I’m worried that Xie Yiming’s health has not recovered completely.
"It’s okay to go back to nursed back to health. I don’t want to be dear. If I’m too worried, I have to ask Master and Wang Bo to accompany me back. Just now, I was missed by Master. Just stop thinking about me, okay?" Xie Yiming’s micro-breathing became more and more obvious.
"Please stop talking and just listen to me." I wiped the tears from my cheeks and refused to let Xie Yiming continue talking.
"Well, I’ll listen to my dear and promise to be more obedient than Goo Tsai." Xie Yiming couldn’t hide his smile in his voice.
During the conversation between Xie Yiming and me, an ambulance sounded its horn, and ambulance personnel came out of the ladder and entered the room where Tang Sike Huang Ama lived.
Tang Sike Huang Ama was carried out from the room on a stretcher from the stairs, and then an ambulance honked its horn farther and farther away from this hotel.
When the ambulance honked away from the hotel, I took the stairs to the lobby lounge on the first floor and sat down. I never stopped talking to Xie Yiming.
Listen, I feel particularly at ease when Xie Yiming answers from time to time.
I told Xie Yiming that my life was dribs and drabs, and how much I missed him. I told Xie Yiming that I love you, dear, and we will never be apart again.
For the first time, I found that I can speak so well. I feel that I have something to tell Xie Yiming, but I can’t finish the rhythm.
It was not until I heard Jiang Yan urging Xie Yiming to rest that I stopped and told Xie Yiming to talk when he came back.
Xie Yiming smiled and told me to rest early at night and pay attention to my health. Let me hang up first.

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