"It’s the new heyday. Do good deeds."

"You all know that the new heyday has reached an agreement with the catfish platform. The new heyday promised to arrange a large number of famous stars to enter the catfish platform for live webcasting. In addition to the normal conditions, there is a condition that you will be sealed off. Hehe, this big temptation meeting is a foot vote. You are kicked out." A peak can be said with a wry smile
"I understand. Everyone knows how to choose. Kill me and get a lot of fame. If I don’t die, I will die."
"You’re not angry"
"Of course I’m angry, but now I’m worried about how you’re going to seal and kill."
"It is said that your live broadcast is illegal, and you can’t switch to other live broadcast platforms until the contract expires, unless you have the money to buy out the contract."
"Even if you breach the contract, the penalty is 100 million yuan, right? You’re not afraid that I’ll sue you."
"If you can’t sue, you know that the scale of webcasting is too large. Even if you really don’t violate the rules, you should casually ask you a small problem. If you exaggerate, you will have no problem if you violate the contract regulations."
"You are really a legacy, aren’t you a little cruel?"
"If you can’t get the liquidated damages, you are all busy kissing up to the new prosperity. Everyone will definitely show you a good look and ensure that the new prosperity will be satisfied. I also plan to deduct the remuneration you have already received. I had a big fight with the chairman at the meeting and I can help you get your legitimate income back. I’m sorry that I can help you here."
"That’s tough. It’s trying to kill me."
Suluo’s tone is very dull and he can’t recognize emotions, but Gao Feng knows how angry he is at the moment.
"I’m sorry, the news will be sent out at 9 pm, and then your live broadcast will be banned. I’ll inform you that it’s my personal trip and I should resign and leave." Gao Feng was full of guilt
There was silence for a long time, and there was a calm breath in the words. It took a long time for suluo to speak.
"Can I live for the last time without blaming you? At least let me say goodbye to my fans."
"Before 9 o’clock. You don’t want to expose it live, do you?"
"I don’t have to go and yell at anything after this. It’s meaningless. I just want to say goodbye to the fans who support me."
"I’m so sorry."
Hang up the phone to suppress anger burning in the chest. suluo rubbed his face hard, and Murphy’s law came true magically. Things always go to the worst expectation, and it was hard to calm down after several deep breaths.
"What’s the matter?" Brother Bao asked.
"The new heyday found the catfish live broadcast platform and gave it a great benefit and then tried to kill me."
"Fuck, it really drives people to death. This puppy is cruel enough."
Brother Bao was furious and hit the lighter on the ground. "Bang!" A lighter burst, which startled Yang Baobei.
He knows what this means. At present, suluo has two major sources of income, one is Chihiro music platform, and the other is live broadcast income, which is equivalent to directly interrupting suluo’s leg.
It seems that something important has happened again. Brother Bao and Brother Luo are sullen. Baby Yang can’t breathe. It’s not short when he comes here, but he has always been happy. I have never seen Brother Bao and Brother Luo so angry that I dare not say a word of comfort before.
"What time is it?" suluo asked.
"I ordered the elder brother," Yang Baobei replied.
"Brother Bao, please help me wind up the Weibo. I want to broadcast it live for the last time, and I will also inform the fans that I can probably talk a few words and sing another song. Baby, go to the studio and help me beat my brain. I will come to wash my face."
Soak your face in cold water to make yourself more awake.
Come on, let’s make the storm worse
Chapter seventy-nine All this is not as bad as I thought.
"suluo is live again."
"The fishing emperor broadcasts it twice a day. Is this the end of the world coming? Hahahaha"
"Horse in position"
"already in place"
As soon as Weibo appeared, suluo fans rushed to tell each other and quickly squeezed into the live broadcast. The number of people soared, but when they entered the live broadcast, they immediately found that something was wrong.
The background is suluo studio, which means it’s finally not a chat room or outside, but it didn’t shake the music as usual. suluo didn’t accompany the music and said hello to the fans. suluo smiled and said nothing, as if looking at the barrage with a strange happy smile.
Isn’t the name right when you look at the house again
It’s the last live broadcast. Thank you.
What the hell
There’s something wrong with the barrage. It’s already exploded.
"What’s the situation"
"What happened?"
"What do you mean by the last live broadcast?"
"Talk and be distracted."
"What’s the matter, brother?"
"Somebody tell me what the last live broadcast means."
"Didn’t you just broadcast the studio picture today? What do you mean by the last live broadcast?"
Suluo is actually not looking at the barrage, but at the names of the netizens who sent it. He can remember every name, no matter how many people of orders of magnitude have appeared in his live broadcast, no matter how wonderful the name is, even if a series of strange symbols have to be glanced at before, he can remember it.
To others, a string of characters is actually a familiar face to him. He may never remember it, but he has never forgotten it.
"Okay, okay, don’t brush it yet and don’t ask. Actually, I just want to talk to you."
Suluo finally spoke.
"I really appreciate you all the way. Speaking of which, you may not believe each of your names. I remember them. You may all know that there are always unruly people who want to harm me. But I can remember everyone who supported me. For example, the first gift was to burn the night flame and send 99 flowers. I just saw you send a barrage. I really appreciate your silent support all the way.
I can remember every scene, every moment, who is cheering, clapping, screaming and shouting at me, who is mocking and laughing at me, and I am mean. "
With a deep breath suluo continued.

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