武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 Unless someone can take away Hang Yu’s soul-sealing magic bead, Minius will be resurrected forever!

Unless someone can take away Hang Yu’s soul-sealing magic bead, Minius will be resurrected forever!

Hang Yu recovered some spirit. He didn’t have time to do anything else. Before he was surrounded, he flew five or six hundred meters away and immediately launched a disease-moving step to escape from Wanghaicheng.
That was close!
Finally out!
Without the governor, the western provinces will definitely be in chaos!
Heska also lost a right-hand man to make this wave of blood.
Two dog spirit beast noisy up "Ow boss, look what I got!"
There are many advantages in on-site warfare.
But seal that soul of Minius.
Hang Yu really didn’t have time to pick up the resolution.
Finally, two dog, the evacuation head, took away a piece of two dog urine, which will definitely be the most precious!
"Boss, look!"
"Oh, purple is purple!"
Two dog handed a purple breastplate to Hangyu.
Hangyu’s eyes flashed with surprise when he saw this equipment. He finally managed to kill Baiminius in the end!
Chapter 53 Undead Magic Soul Armor
[Immortal Soul Armor] Level 16 is equipped with purple physical defense+spell defense+attribute damage gap +1 attribute +3 resistance +3 with special bearing "Immortal Soul" durability of 47
Grade 16 purple suit!
The quality is indeed a lever!
Because it is the basic attribute of the important parts of armor, the numerical verification draft is stronger than the cloak of the king of purgatory, and it is valuable to change the body and equipment just by adding this powerful basic attribute.
Hang Yu is wearing a 13-level blue ancient jihad suit.
Although the equipment comes with a powerful suit effect, it is a little more powerful than the purple suit bonus. What’s more, this purple suit is not only strong in basic attributes, but also comes with a bearing.
[Immortal Soul] Special bearing power +3 agility +3 vitality +5 spirit +5 vitality recovery +15 spirit recovery+bearing skill immortal soul ceremony!
Very special
This growth attribute is also lower than that of the king of purgatory, but it can bless 15 points of vitality recovery and spirit recovery, which is better than that of the king of purgatory.
The king of purgatory comes with three skills, two powerful passive skills and a powerful large-scale killing skill.
This special undertaking has a skill.
It’s really very special
Not much skill.
No amount of false skills can be given.
The effect of this "immortal spirit ceremony" is simply a bunker.
[Immortal Soul Ceremony] Special skills automatically trigger instant repair when life force is exhausted, and eliminate all abnormal state. 3 parts of forced transfer will extend the cooldown for 12 hours after 3 seconds.
It’s not hard to understand
Give an example.
Hang Yu was dried until his life was exhausted.
Not only will he not be judged by the immortal ritual effect, but his arm, broken leg and decapitated head, or he will be dismembered and shattered in an instant, and at the same time, he will be relieved of dizziness, coma and paralysis.
This ability to die once alone
The key moment can already play a big role!
What’s even more awesome is that the undead ceremony lasts for 30 seconds, and Hangyu will be forced to postpone if he is hurt. This is also the reason why Minius couldn’t kill him just now!
It’s not a delay
Period of damage will break out 3 seconds after the end of the skill.
If you don’t get out of the battle as soon as possible and prepare enough potions to treat a lot of damage in the wet nurse, you may die in an instant!
Even so.
Still great equipment!
Minius should have two purple pieces of equipment, a purple ring and a purple armor. The former seems to eliminate skill cooling, and the latter can die for a short time and hardly die.
Minius’ physical strength is not weak either. If Minius fought to the death with these two pieces of equipment, the hand may not have failed to defeat Hangyu. It may be said that the goods are timid but ruined the opportunity.
The purple ring failed to explode.
This is a pity.
However, without this immortal soul armor, Hang Yu would not have run in vain, and this is the third purple dress he has.

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