武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 桑拿会所 "For you …" Muhai stared at the enchanting Fang Yuan and didn’t hit the woman with his hand. He couldn’t do it.

"For you …" Muhai stared at the enchanting Fang Yuan and didn’t hit the woman with his hand. He couldn’t do it.

"You … you kill them, you will be shot." Yuan Fangshen kept retreating with the thrill.
"Oh, really? Don’t want to kill you now that you have to be shot, you don’t care to kill one more. "Muhai laughed.
Hearing this, Fang Yuan blamed himself for being talkative.
"Don’t … don’t kill me. I was wrong. I was wrong. Give me a break. It’s all Xie Liang’s instigation."
Fang Yuan pointed to Xie Liang and scolded his ancestors for ten generations and great-grandchildren for nineteen generations.
Dead people can’t talk, so they can push everything to the dead to wash themselves away.
Hearing this, Muhai smiled and corners of his mouth rose.
"Xiao Hainian let me go in my Tang Yu village." Fang Yuan kept kowtowing.
Hearing this, Tang Yu came over with a fierce look in his eyes. "You deserve to say that I come from the same village?"
"Pa …"
Tang Yu’s hands are both strong and the bow hits Fang Yuan’s face, and the crisp sound is heard.
Fang Yuan didn’t dare to resist or put his hand to stop her, for fear that Muhai would destroy her if she was unhappy.
The left and right faces soon swelled up like a purple eggplant.
Seeing Tang Yu’s reaction, Muhai smiled.
I didn’t expect this girl to have such a hot side.
But I like it!
Too weak to be bullied by others
I don’t take the initiative to bully others. If I take the initiative to pick things up, I have to accept my anger!
Tang Yu stopped to shake his hair. "What a thick skin! My hand hurts."
"Rain is falling all that I’ll rub" MuHai said.
"Good" Tang Yu held out his hands and let Muhai rub his hands with a happy face.
"Xiaohai, did you really kill them?" Tang Yu’s face was worried. "I don’t want you to be shot."
"Rain is falling all don’t worry, I didn’t kill them, they were stunned." Muhai whispered in Tang Yu’s ear.
So a listen to Tang Yu face a pleased nodded "small then let’s go home"
Muhai nodded and then looked at the security captain. "If you dare to be a tiger, I will not spare you."
See MuHai eyes yoshimitsu security captain body is not a quiver to nod.
Tang Yu Muhai walked and laughed all the way.
"Xiaohai, they are hateful and let them go like this?" Tang Yu’s eyes were unwilling.
"What do you want me to do?" Muhai Gherardini said
"Such a sex maniac should make them lose color," said Tang Yu bitterly.
"You mean let me take away their third leg?" Muhai asked
Tang Yu nodded his head like a peach blossom after hearing this.
"Rain is falling all, in fact, I told you that they have been ruined by me. Although the leg is still there, the man’s basic function is gone." Muhai whispered in Tang Yu’s ear.
"Ah …" Tang Yu a listen to face a red head on MuHai shoulder "small you good or bad!"
Just now, Muhai put a magic poison into two people when he patted Wu Shun Xie Liang.
This magic poison has no other function to make them lose their male function.
Moreover, although the third leg of the two is still there, this magic poison will erode the third leg from time to time, making it slowly degenerate and finally shrink away.
This kind of magic poison is generally not used in the sea.
But the two of them can’t wait to come up with this plan, and how many girls have been saved by Muhai’s move.
Another reason for doing this is that no one can find the reason, even going to the hospital is ineffective
Today, if Muhai cuts off their third leg knife, the Wu family and Xie family will not let him go.
Now Muhai is not strong enough for the Wu family to challenge.
Today, they can swallow all their teeth.
Muhai dismantled 999 package and arranged two cameras.
After he Tang Yu walked to the hall together.
Just walked to the hall Muhai and saw someone arguing at the gate. From a squint, it was several security guards and a bearded man arguing.
"Not good!"
Muhai reveals a dignified color.
"Will you stay calm and white when it rains?" Muhai attached to Tang Yu ear gently said
Tang Yu a listen to nodded his head.
Then Muhai took out his mobile phone and secretly called an express train.
"Er Gong said no one can go in," said a security guard.
The beard glared at the security guard and let him step back several times. "Do you dare to stop?"

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