武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 "Yes, er, can you help me get a Weibo? I’m going to leave a message for the deer to see if he can call me back."

"Yes, er, can you help me get a Weibo? I’m going to leave a message for the deer to see if he can call me back."

"No, mom, people are big stars. Weibo has team management, not others."
"Then how can I get in touch with him? He doesn’t know when he will go to Hang Cheng, so I’ll go and watch him sleep at your place."
“? ?” Xia shook his head. "Mom, you can’t reach him. He didn’t intend to go to Hang Cheng. You are dead." Suddenly, I regretted the topic of starting men. It is better to tell her where Dad is going.
Xia sat in bed with his mother and watched the running man watch the mother and daughter laugh together and ignore the image with two crazy people.
Xia remembers that when I was a child, my parents were always away from me. They often took their younger brothers out for medical treatment, and even when they were at home, they paid attention to taking care of their younger brothers.
Later, when the younger brother was ill for a long time, they resigned themselves. It is better to take good care of him at home with his younger brother.
At that time, I was about a teenager. My mother often came to her room in the middle of the night and sat by her bed, covering her mouth and crying. My mother would keep touching her face, sometimes crying and sometimes saying sorry.
Now that I think about it, my mother must feel that she has spent all her energy on her younger brother and owes her this daughter.
But she never complained that her mother thought she was the greatest mother in the world.
Now, as soon as she comes back, she wants her mother to sit in her room as soon as she has one. Mother and daughter always have a lot to talk about, and she is willing to listen when she talks about her mother and annoys her again.
Looking at my mother’s more and more gray hair makes her feel sad in summer, and she will be full of tears when she smiles. She thinks that the thing that can make her mother’s heart best may be that she quickly finds a good man to marry.
Mom, I will try my best to let you meet your good son-in-law this Spring Festival.
Chapter sixty-five The most harmonious blind date banquet
Chapter sixty-five The most harmonious blind date banquet
The appointment place is a new coffee shop near my aunt’s house.
Guan and Xia’s aunt are already waiting at the door. "Sister, you are finally here. I was worried that you couldn’t come."
Wan said, "I said I would bring her out. She is my daughter. Can I still call her?"
Just be proud of Xia Yu, my queen.
Aunt smiled and took Xia and said, "You can see how handsome people are there."
Guan and Xia look in the direction of their aunt’s fingers and see a man in a straight suit sitting there. He is looking down at his watch.
"Go in, don’t make people worry." Guan has been forced to go in and talk.
As soon as they entered, they apologized. After all, they were late. The other party was a gentleman and kept saying no.
After a preliminary understanding, I learned that the other party is a physics teacher in a high school near here. The name is very atmospheric. Xu Haoran lives in the town and still lives by himself.
Maybe it’s a profession. Xu Haoran speaks in a very organized way, taking his time and listening to Shu.
In this case, Xia always doesn’t talk much when he comes. Most of the time, Guan is talking. In the long run, the situation in Xia Ji will be explained
Guan "Xiao Xu, our family is not an only child. She also has a twin brother. Do you know that?"
Xu Haoran nodded politely and said, "My aunt has told me. I think the most important thing is that two people are congenial and get along with each other. Everything else is secondary."
Wan was extremely satisfied. "That’s good, that’s good. We won’t hide her brother’s situation, but I can assure you that her brother doesn’t need your burden."
Summer "mom, you said this? ? I will take care of my brother and take good care of him. "
Xu Haoran said with a smile, "Yes, aunt, in fact, my mother was a kindergarten teacher before she retired. She worked as a kindergarten teacher for a generation, and now she is retired with a few children. Isn’t Xia’s situation just like taking care of children? It’s not a problem for me what my family is. Besides, you and your uncle are still so young. These things don’t want to be so far away."
Guan a listen to more satisfied smile corners of the mouth are almost wide to the ear, she looked at Xu Haoran that is more satisfied with the so-called mutual understanding Xu Haoran not only grow healthy speech, knowledge, cultivation, family education is very good, she is one hundred satisfied.
Aunt looked at the excuse to buy clothes and took Guan to walk first, leaving the two young people alone in the coffee shop.
The embarrassing scene is coming, and Xia hasn’t dealt with it alone.
"That? ? That? ? My mother and my aunt talk a lot, hehehehehe. "
Xu Haoran, otherwise, "No more, no more, this is normal. I quite like chatting with my aunt."
"Yeah, hehehehehe." Xia took a spoon and stirred the coffee cup. I didn’t know what to say at the moment.
Xu Haoran was quite sincere and asked, "Can I call you that in the summer?"
"I’ve seen you before. Really"
Summer is very surprised. "When am I finished?"
Xu Haoran chuckled, but his move was somewhat similar to Ruan Bin’s. He said, "It’s been more than ten years. In fact, I heard about your family situation when I was very young. In our town, you usually know what’s wrong with it."
Xu Haoran: "I remember that year when I came home from school in junior high school, I passed by your primary school. At the school gate, you dragged your brother across the road and there was your father. They should have come to pick you up from school. I remember that a classmate pointed at your brother and a little boy threw something at your brother. You rushed over and pressed the little boy."
Summer, listen carefully, it seems that there is such a thing in memory, but the memory is vague. After all, it is still a primary school thing.
Xu Haoran: "Your brother cried with fear. Your father scolded you, but if he wanted to pull your brother, he couldn’t pull himself to pull you. You beat the little boy with a nosebleed, and then the school teacher pulled you two. I happened to pass by and saw it. I was particularly impressed. I was always curious about how to deal with it. Can you tell me?"

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