武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 桑拿会所 What’s left is also white. Ginger has a good heart. He nodded and said, that feeling is expressed in French language. I can say that there must be something unusual in the ladder, but what is it and where it is hidden? Even I can grasp it correctly. Let’s do this. I’ll go to the ladder again later. By that time, there should be no one in the building. I’ll explore it carefully and find it anyway.

What’s left is also white. Ginger has a good heart. He nodded and said, that feeling is expressed in French language. I can say that there must be something unusual in the ladder, but what is it and where it is hidden? Even I can grasp it correctly. Let’s do this. I’ll go to the ladder again later. By that time, there should be no one in the building. I’ll explore it carefully and find it anyway.

Ginger’s mind is a little confused now. After a moment’s hesitation, he nodded and promised, then you should be careful. Now there is no power like yours in the Lei Jian Department. I’m afraid no one can help you much when you go to explore. Remember, you must first ensure that you are safe. Don’t be impulsive and rash in everything. I know that you have deep feelings for Mei, but now in such a complicated situation, I don’t want to suffer any more.
After that, Ginger pushed the materials that were still stacked on the table and piled up on Satan’s organization to the left, and then the two of them quietly passed away while sitting and waiting for each other again.
The pointer finally pointed to 11: 30, and suddenly it was like waking up from a slight sleep. He was still flabby and collapsed, and then he tightened his body. Then, as his eyes became sharp again, he was ready to attack like a cheetah. Now he stood up and looked at him with mixed eyes of concern and kindness. He nodded his head and then turned away from the old ginger office without saying anything.
Ginger continued to look at the left figure, and his hand showed a slight trembling at this time. His heart was actually very nervous.
Back in Lao Jiang’s office, several department heads said everything they had seen, but his view on the footprint was that no one could hear it. In the middle of the speech, he immediately found the problem. He touched the back of his head awkwardly, hey hey, smiled bitterly for a few times, and then cut off his words. However, when he later brought the tarpaulin and the liquid tissue, everyone sitting around him immediately became interested.
Everyone took those things and immediately called the inspection department to come and take them for testing, and then they quietly waited for the test results. When they came for testing, not many people came in soon. Those liquid components were not complicated and should belong to psychedelic drugs, but it seemed that some special juice was placed in it, and its anesthetic effect was faster and longer than that of ordinary psychedelic drugs. That tarpaulin is rare here. By comparing the fibers in the computer, we found that the tarpaulin base material should be made of heat. The production of this kind of plant by a material in the belt area has not been found locally. At present, the conclusion is that tarpaulin should be produced in Southeast Asia and then brought here.
Ginger, everyone listened attentively. When they heard that the tarpaulin was from Southeast Asia, their horse took the list of organizations that might kidnap Jiang Haimei in the afternoon to find out which ones were active around Southeast Asia.
But when they were searching for the old ginger, Cherie was left to ask the inspector, what about those screws? Did you find anything from that side?
The inspector rummaged through a stack of materials in his hand and looked for it before replying, from the scratch of the screw, we found that it was a flat-faced tool that was twisted on the surface and left behind from the analysis of the properties of metal chips. Although it is not yet possible to report accurately, it is certain that the metal is definitely not an ordinary screwdriver, but the refining degree of carbon steel seems to be a high-quality saber material.
He nodded silently and stopped asking questions. He turned his attention back to Ginger to see if they could determine which organizations might kidnap Jiang Haimei after narrowing the scope.
Soon, the name of a Satan terrorist organization was circled by everyone. Ginger looked solemn and tunnel. This Satan organization is notorious for evil. According to our previous intelligence search, it seems that they rob some young women from around the area every year, as if to do some blood sacrifice ceremony. This is a cult-like terrorist organization, but they rarely come to the mainland, but they don’t know why they came from a long distance this time.
As soon as I heard the word blood sacrifice, I felt vaguely that it would not be a good thing. He grabbed Wen Gang and printed it from the database to introduce it to Satan’s organization. While leafing through it, he asked what blood sacrifice meant.
Everyone around him was silent and didn’t answer. He looked up only to see that everyone was ugly. Ginger suddenly sighed and said that the blood sacrifice is to cut off the limbs of the living when they are awake and then gut them to pay homage to their belief in God.
His face changed immediately after hearing it, and he asked in a trembling voice, how can you be sure that Satan’s organization has arrested Jiang Haimei? Is this the only organization in Southeast Asia?
Ginger’s face is also full of pain. He slowly shook his head and said, of course, there is more than one organization there, but as far as the current analysis is concerned, it is the most likely that they will act. In addition, Ginger said that he is still in this room, and his eyes indicate that people are still retreating first, and then he is staring at the remaining Tao. Actually, whether Satan’s organization did it or not is a definite conclusion. You just felt abnormal in the ladder, but you didn’t make it clear. However, I know that there is a right and wrong in our headquarters. Often the special department is dedicated to the study of strange phenomena. In fact, people like you with a strange ability should be their research objects. I don’t know exactly how people like you feel about strange phenomena, but it is too strange for ordinary people. The people I sent to everyone accidentally leaked something, causing unnecessary troubles and riots.
What’s left is also white. Ginger has a good heart. He nodded and said, that feeling is expressed in French language. I can say that there must be something unusual in the ladder, but what is it and where it is hidden? Even I can grasp it correctly. Let’s do this. I’ll go to the ladder again later. By that time, there should be no one in the building. I’ll explore it carefully and find it anyway.
Ginger’s mind is a little confused now. After a moment’s hesitation, he nodded and promised, then you should be careful. Now there is no power like yours in the Lei Jian Department. I’m afraid no one can help you much when you go to explore. Remember, you must first ensure that you are safe. Don’t be impulsive and rash in everything. I know that you have deep feelings for Mei, but now in such a complicated situation, I don’t want to suffer any more.
After that, Ginger pushed the materials that were still stacked on the table and piled up on Satan’s organization to the left, and then the two of them quietly passed away while sitting and waiting for each other again.
The pointer finally pointed to 11: 30, and suddenly it was like waking up from a slight sleep. He was still flabby and collapsed, and then he tightened his body. Then, as his eyes became sharp again, he was ready to attack like a cheetah. Now he stood up and looked at him with mixed eyes of concern and kindness. He nodded his head and then turned away from the old ginger office without saying anything.
Ginger continued to look at the left figure, and his hand showed a slight trembling at this time. His heart was actually very nervous.
Chapter one hundred and twenty In the dark
Once again, I went back to the ladder, and the rest was still the same as once. First, I lifted the cover plate and observed it for a while. After confirming that there was nothing unusual outside, I went down the gap of the cover plate and drilled it again. At this time, the outside of the ladder door had been placed with a maintenance warning board by the thunder arrow organizer. Although it is close to midnight now, they are still worried that some night walkers have the temerity to break in and start the ladder and disturb the rest of the work.
The stairwell is still so dark, but now that the stairwell has stopped running, there is no previous loud rumbling. In this sudden silence, the auditory system has been brought into full play. First, he calmly bowed his head and listened to the deep middle four, trying to capture the faint movement, but it was quiet and scary here, which made him hear his heartbeat. Then he closed his eyes again. When he opened it again, he looked at the pile of tarpaulins left at his feet through the still weak light. When I piled it back, on the one hand, I piled it as far as I could remember, and on the other hand, I made a very inconspicuous mark in a corner. Now he just wants to see if the mark has been passive.
The tarpaulin pile seems to be in the same shape as before, but with his keen eyes, he immediately found that the position where he made the mark had changed, and his heart immediately thumped. This change also made him sure that something else must be in this stairwell.
He slowly straightened up and looked far away, but in the dark, although his eyes were beyond ordinary people, they were only a little longer than ordinary people, and then it was marginal darkness.
He observed it calmly for a while, and then thought that if he watched it here, he would definitely not find anything, so he jumped to the hanging ladder box cable as soon as he was short, and then there was no big movement left, so he climbed slowly to the surface with his arms.
The staircase in this building is four chairs juxtaposed, and the well design is spacious and spacious. There are all kinds of reinforcement and load-bearing steel structures in the well, and cement parts are likely to hide something in these structures, so the method of slowly climbing and slowly rising is adopted, and every place will be carefully examined.
Now he still hasn’t heard or seen anything, but the more he climbs, the more he feels that a dangerous smell is watching him. This feeling is so strong that he can almost be sure that a pair of evil eyes are staring at himself in the dark, but now he is left with the courage of an artist. Although he still knows where the danger is hiding, he is confident that he will be invincible by his own strength when it comes to danger.
Climbing is very slow, and at this time, it seems that the air supply system has stopped running because there are no passengers in the stairwell. The heat emitted by mechanical rotation during the day has not completely disappeared, so it will become stuffy and hot here.
Sweat is gathering on his forehead, and then it accumulates, and it slowly vibrates and drops down his cheeks. It’s nothing, but the sweat in the corner of his eyes makes his eyes shake. He shakes his head and throws more and more sweat away from his head, but the sweat is secreted again soon.
Sweat is ticking regularly like the second hand of a clock, and at the same time, it slips to the left face again and again. The reaction to this kind of life depends on the rest, but it is still under control at this time. So he tossed his head again and again to shake off the sweat that invaded his eyes. When he climbed for nearly ten meters and tossed his head again, a drop of liquid fell on his forehead at this time.
The rest has been cut short. According to the length of his hair, even if sweat condenses on the tip of his hair, it will definitely drop. Then where does this drop of liquid come from?

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